更新:朝鲜首席核武谈判代表金英哲已抵达纽约,与美国国务卿迈克·庞皮欧(Mike Pompeo)举行会谈。
BEIJING — North Korea’s top nuclear weapons negotiator was headed for New York on Tuesday and plans to meet with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as officials race to settle on an agenda for a June 12 summit meeting between the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and President Trump in Singapore.
北京 ——周二,朝鲜最高级别的核武器谈判代表前往纽约,计划与美国国务卿迈克·庞皮欧(Mike Pompeo)会晤。官员们正抓紧时间来确定朝鲜领导人金正恩与特朗普总统6月12日于新加坡举行的首脑会议议程。
Mr. Trump said on Twitter that Kim Yong-chol, one of the most trusted aides to the North’s leader and a former intelligence chief, was “heading now to New York.” In a reference to the moves made since he canceled the off-again-on-again summit meeting, the president added, “Solid response to my letter, thank you!”
Mr. Kim will meet with Mr. Pompeo this week, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said on Tuesday.
白宫新闻秘书萨拉·哈克比·桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)周二表示,金英哲本周将与庞皮欧会面。
The former intelligence chief, who is 72, has been at the side of the North Korean leader, 34, during a recent whirl of diplomacy, meeting with South Koreans in the Demilitarized Zone dividing the Korean Peninsula and with the Chinese.
Mr. Kim’s trip to the United States starts the most important negotiating track leading up to the summit meeting. Over the weekend, a team of American diplomats met with North Korean officials in the Demilitarized Zone, and White House logistics experts have been talking with North Koreans in Singapore about arrangements for the leaders’ meeting there.
But a trip to the United States by Kim Yong-chol — who has served the three leaders of the Kim dynasty that has ruled the North since 1945 — signaled that negotiations were reaching a critical point.
Mr. Kim would be the highest-ranking North Korean official to visit the United States since 2000, when Vice Marshal Jo Myong-rok invited President Bill Clinton to Pyongyang, the North’s capital, with the prospect of sealing an agreement on curbing the North’s missiles. It never came to fruition.
金英哲将成为2000年以来访问美国的级别最高的朝鲜官员。当时,朝鲜人民军次帅赵明禄(Jo Myong-rok)邀请比尔·克林顿总统访问朝鲜首都平壤,希望达成一项遏制朝鲜导弹的协议。但最终未能成真。
Mr. Kim stopped in Beijing on Tuesday but it was not clear whether he met with any Chinese officials. While there was speculation that he then boarded a New York-bound China Air flight, there was no sign of him when the plane arrived at Kennedy Airport on Tuesday, reporters there said. South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency said he was to arrive in New York on Wednesday.
金英哲于周二在北京做了停留,但目前尚不清楚他是否会见了任何中国官员。有人猜测他随后登上了飞往纽约的中国航空航班,但在场记者表示,航班在周二飞抵肯尼迪机场(Kennedy Airport)时,并没有看到他的身影。韩国联合通讯社(Yonhap News Agency)称,他定于周三抵达纽约。
China’s Foreign Ministry would not confirm the former spymaster’s presence in Beijing, even though video footage showed him at the airport after his arrival from Pyongyang.
In recent weeks, China and the United States have been vying for the attention of Kim Jong-un, with Mr. Trump accusing China of contributing to a toughened North Korean stance on denuclearization after the North Korean and Chinese leaders met this month.
If the former spy chief met with senior Chinese officials in Beijing, he might risk angering Mr. Trump again, diplomats said. His stop in Beijing could also be related to his presence on a sanctions list that bars him from entering the United States.
An American diplomat said a waiver would have to be granted for such an individual to enter the United States, although it was likely one would automatically be given under extraordinary circumstances like these.
Mr. Kim was probably headed to New York, where North Korea has a mission to the United Nations, rather than to Washington because it was easier for him to get a visa there, another American diplomat said. North Korean diplomats and officials are not allowed to travel more than a few miles outside New York City.
Kim Yong-chol has already met Mr. Pompeo twice in Pyongyang. On the second visit, Mr. Pompeo expected to come away with a set of details for the Singapore summit meeting relating to the denuclearization of the North, but failed to do so. After the second meeting this month, Mr. Pompeo returned to Washington with three Americans who had been detained in North Korea.
In his most recent meeting with Mr. Pompeo, Mr. Kim struck a defiant tone, saying at a luncheon that North Korea’s willingness to enter into talks was “not a result of sanctions that have been imposed from the outside.” But he reminded the visiting Americans that North Korea intended to focus “all efforts into economic progress in our country.”