A new report by China Labor Watch, a New York-based labor advocacy group, and the British newspaper The Observer claimed that a Foxconn factory in Hengyang, China, had violated employment laws. The factory produces Amazon’s Echo smart speakers and Kindle devices.
总部设在纽约的劳工权益倡导组织中国劳工观察(China Labor Watch)和英国报纸《观察者》(The Observer)的一份新报道称,中国衡阳的一家富士康工厂违反了劳动法。该工厂生产亚马逊的Echo智能扬声器和Kindle设备。
More from The Observer’s report:
“Agency staff — known as dispatch workers in China — do not get sick pay or holiday pay and can be laid off without wages during lulls in production. China changed its labor laws in 2014 to limit their use to 10 percent of any work force in an attempt to stop companies exploiting them to cut costs. The China Labor Watch investigation — published on Sunday in association with the Observer — found that more than 40 percent of the staff in the Foxconn factory were agency workers. Those working overtime were being paid at the normal hourly rate instead of the time-and-a-half required by Chinese law and by Amazon’s own supplier code of conduct.”
Amazon confirmed to the newspaper that its own audit of the factory this year had revealed how Foxconn had been employing too many agency workers and that they were not rewarded suitable overtime pay. “We immediately requested a corrective action plan from Foxconn,” Amazon said in a statement.
Foxconn said that it was “carrying out a full investigation of the areas raised by that report.” The company added that it “works hard to comply with all relevant laws and regulations” in the markets where it operates and that “if infractions are identified, we work to immediately rectify them.”
The Taiwanese company is the biggest contract electronics manufacturer in the world, making devices for Apple and Amazon among others. But Foxconn has also frequently made headlines over allegations relating to its workers.
Here’s a rundown of some of the issues that have reportedly plagued Foxconn’s factories:
■ Suicides. The company was hit by a wave of worker suicides in 2010. Other incidents have occurred since.
■ 自杀。该公司在2010年遇到一系列工人自杀事件。自那以后还发生了其他事件。
■ Wage and hours exploitation. In 2012, Foxconn was accused of underpaying wages and having its employees work excessive hours. In response, the company pledged to curtail the length of shifts and raise wages.
■ 工资和劳动时间的剥削。2012年,富士康被控欠薪,以及员工工作时间过长。作为回应,该公司承诺缩短轮班工时并提高工资。
■ Serious accidents. One Foxconn worker was left brain damaged after an electric shock in 2011. An explosion in one factory killed four people and injured another 18 in the same year.
■ 严重事故。2011年,一名富士康员工在遭受电击后脑部受损。一家工厂发生爆炸,造成4人死亡,同年又有18人受伤。
■ Underage and illegal workers. Foxconn admitted to having hired teenagers as young as 14 at one of its factories in 2012. Late last year, Apple confirmed that, at a plant where its iPhone X is made, student workers were discovered to be working overtime — in violation of local laws.
■ 未成年人和非法工人。富士康承认,它的一家工厂于2012年雇用了年仅14岁的青少年。去年年底,苹果公司证实,在一家制造iPhone X的工厂中,发现有学生工人加班工作,这违反了当地法律。
■ Riots. More than 1,000 workers were involved in a violent disturbance at one of the company’s factories in 2012.
■ 骚乱。2012年,超过1000名工人参与了该公司一家工厂的暴力骚乱。
■ Poor living standards. The New York Times reported in 2012 that as many as 20 workers could be housed in three-room staff apartments.
■ 生活条件恶劣。《纽约时报》在2012年报道,该公司在一套三室员工宿舍内安置的员工最多可达20人。
Foxconn, for its part, has tried to address issues as they’ve come up, making its factories safer and increasing pay to improve morale. But the new report from China Labor Watch and The Observer suggests there is still some work to do.