Fortunately, the Halloween & Costume Association feels the same way -- and they've started a national petition to formally change the date of Halloween.

The Change.org petition, which already has nearly 32,000 signature, demands that all Halloween celebrations take place on the last Saturday of October going forward, rather than the 31st. "It's time for a Safer, Longer, Stress-Free Celebration!" the site exclaims.
According to the association, 51% of millennials say Halloween is their favorite holiday. There is no citation for this statistic, but regardless of its mathematical accuracy, the sentiment maintains: people like Halloween, so why not give it a full day?

Although it wasn't directly stated in the official petition, commenters in favor of the movement noted that having it on a weekend is a win for schools, who have to deal with issues surrounding costumes — particularly those with masks and weapons — and for teachers who have to continue to educate especially distracted students.
Throughout the comments on the petition, parents enumerate the benefits to a Saturday Halloween: no school the next day, trick or treating during daylight hours, more one-on-one parent-child time, and, as user Nolan Chidester puts it, "Halloween on a Wednesday SUCCKKKKKKKKKKKSSS."
Then there are the haters. "This is ridiculous. People already celebrate the weekend before regardless of what day of the week it falls on," one user writes on Facebook. "You clearly do not know the origins of Halloween. This is just to sell more costumes and decorations. Halloween is a religious holiday for some people.”



According to the History Channel, Halloween dates backs to Celtic traditions from over 2,000 years ago. On the 31st each year, Celts would light bonfires and don costumes to ward off ghosts and evil spirits. Typically, the holiday fell on this day in particular, as it was "when the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred."
It remains to be seen whether or not the Halloween & Costume Association will succeed in its efforts to alter the date on which we trick or treat annually. Holidays are always more fun when you can actually take the time to enjoy them without worrying about work or school. All in favor?