The reaction from a group of Silicon Valley executives: Wow.
“We’re so lazy in the U.S.!” blurted Wesley Chan, a venture capital investor, on the first day of what would be a weeklong journey into the Chinese technology scene.
“我们在美国太懒了!”在参观中国科技界为期一周行程的第一天,风险投资人韦斯利·陈(Wesley Chan)不禁说道。
Work habits weren’t the only sharp difference between the Valley and China. By the end of the week, a group of American executives and investors found an alternate tech universe. It resembles Silicon Valley superficially. Look closer, and it becomes a futuristic yet closed-off world that can be equally impressive, alienating and dystopian.
Chinese technology executives, they found, were even more driven and more willing to do whatever it takes to win. But that comes with major trade-offs, and punishing work schedules are only the beginning. They found Chinese tech executives to be less reflective about the social impact and potential misuse of their technologies, a potentially worrisome quality in a country with loosely enforced privacy laws, strict government censorship and a powerful domestic surveillance apparatus.
“It was impressive to see the pace of innovation in China,” said Mark Goldberg, a partner at Index Ventures, a venture capital firm. “Some of the newer technologies, like facial recognition software, can be very powerful, and will need to be deployed thoughtfully — not just in China, but also in the West.”
“看到中国创新的速度令人印象深刻,”指数创投(Index Ventures)合伙人马克·戈德伯格(Mark Goldberg)说。“其中一些比较新的科技,例如人脸识别软件,可以非常强大,应用时需要考虑周全——不仅是在中国,在西方也一样。”
In August, Mr. Chan, Mr. Goldberg and 11 other Silicon Valley investors and start-up founders took a trip to Beijing and Shenzhen, two cities that are competing for the title of the Silicon Valley of China. Organized by the venture capital firms Basis Set Ventures, Index Ventures and Silicon Valley Bank, it was intended to help them understand how China has become a tech rival to the United States in barely two decades.
8月,韦斯利·陈、马克·戈德伯格和其他11名硅谷投资人、初创企业创始人前往北京和深圳,如今这两个城市正在竞逐“中国硅谷”的名号。这趟旅行由风险投资公司基组风投(Basis Set Ventures)、指数创投和硅谷银行(Silicon Valley Bank)组织,意在帮助他们理解中国是如何在不到20年里,就在科技方面成为了美国的对手。
Silicon Valley once saw China as a copycat, but it now has some of the world’s biggest and most powerful internet companies. It has more unicorns, or privately held companies with valuations of over $1 billion, than the United States. The China offices of venture capital firms like Sequoia Capital now manage bigger funds than their American headquarters. Silicon Valley luminaries like Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital have been urging American entrepreneurs and investors to learn from China’s work ethic, ambition and technological advances.
硅谷曾经将中国视为模仿者,但如今中国拥有一些世界上最大、实力最强的互联网公司。中国拥有比美国更多的独角兽公司,也就是估值在10亿美元以上的私有企业。像红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)这样的风投公司在中国的办事处管理的资金比美国总部的还要多。而像红杉资本的迈克尔·莫里茨(Michael Moritz)这样的硅谷名人一直在敦促美国创业者和投资人向中国的工作伦理、野心和技术进步学习。
The Americans got upfront lessons on how quickly China embraced mobile phones, electronic payments and video streaming, and how intensely it has pursued artificial intelligence.
“I live in San Francisco, but I find it helpful to visit the other parallel universe from time to time,” said Lan Xuezhao, founding partner of Basis Set Ventures, who was born in China and visits the country every year. “To some degree, it’s like looking into the future.”
“我住在旧金山,但我发现,时不时去另一个并行发展的世界走走很有好处,”Basis Set Ventures创始合伙人兰雪棹说;她出生在中国,每年都会回去看看。“在某种程度上,这好像是看到了未来。”
It started the moment the group members entered their rooms at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Beijing’s central business district, where a notice listed some of the websites they would be unable to access “due to Chinese internet regulations”: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Bloomberg and The New York Times.
这个未来始于代表团成员入住北京中央商务区柏悦酒店(Park Hyatt Hotel)房间的那一刻,房间里的一份通知开列了“由于中国互联网监管”他们无法访问的网站:Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、YouTube、谷歌(Google)、彭博社(Bloomberg)和《纽约时报》(New York Times)。
Online payments represented another telling metaphor. Mobile payments are almost ubiquitous in the biggest Chinese cities, but setting up an account requires a local mobile number and a Chinese bank account.
One afternoon they were desperate for caffeine and spotted a Luckin Coffee outlet, an up-and-coming Chinese brand, in the canteen of Bytedance, the A.I. information and entertainment powerhouse. But Luckin takes orders only on its mobile app. At the cashier-less convenience store at the headquarters of JD.com, the online retailer, an employee paid for their snacks with his own phone.
“China’s internet is a walled garden,” Mr. Chan said. “No one can break in unless you’re from here.” “中国的互联网是一个墙内的花园,”韦斯利·陈说。“没有人能打入,除非你来自花园里面。”
Within that walled garden, everything seemed to be moving at an extraordinary speed. While Silicon Valley start-ups raise funding every 18 to 24 months on average, the group was told that the most successful Chinese companies do it every six months. It isn’t unusual for a hot start-up to raise funding three to four times a year.
“Every time I go to the U.S., I feel that I’ll need to grow 10 times faster,” said Alexander Weidauer, a founder of the Berlin-based A.I. chatbot developer Rasa and the only member of the group not from Silicon Valley. “Now I feel I’ll need to grow 100 times faster. The pace in China is crazy.”
“每次去美国时我都觉得,我需要以比现有速度快10倍的速度增长,”亚历山大·魏德尔(Alexander Weidauer)说,他是代表团里唯一的一名非硅谷成员,是总部设在柏林的人工智能聊天机器人开发商Rasa的创始人。“现在我觉得,我需要以快100倍的速度。中国的速度很疯狂。”
Their hosts kept reminding them of the advantages China had over the United States in A.I. development. China’s vast population and loose privacy laws give them access to much more data. A.I. companies also have considerable government support and are willing to pay more for top talent.
“The U.S. competitive edge over China may not be long,” Kai-Fu Lee, chief executive of Sinovation Ventures and former head of Google China, told them. “In fact,” he added, “the Americans now have the information disadvantage.”
“美国对中国的竞争优势可能不会持久,”创新工场(Sinovation Ventures)首席执行官、谷歌中国前负责人李开复对他们说。“事实上,”他补充说,“美国人现在处于信息劣势。”
But it was also obvious to the group what China was missing. For starters, everybody is Chinese. Even in its early days, Google had employees from 39 nationalities speaking 40-plus languages.
“China is a bit homogeneous,” said Mr. Chan, an early Google employee. “You don’t find as much the perspectives of the world here compared to Silicon Valley.” “中国有点同质化,”韦斯利·陈说,他曾是谷歌的早期员工。“与硅谷相比,你在这里找不到那么多观察世界的视角。”
Then there’s the work schedules. The Silicon Valley natives were introduced to the Chinese start-up concept of 996: Work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week. Once they got over their shock, they had to ask: Does that punishing schedule make sense?
“I’m not worried so much about my portfolio companies not working as hard as the Chinese companies,” said Mr. Chan, now a partner at Felicis Ventures. “I’ll worry when they’re less creative and less efficient.”
“我不太担心我投资的公司不如中国公司这么努力工作,”韦斯利·陈说,他现在是法利思创投(Felicis Ventures)的合伙人。“当它们的创造力和效率降低时,我才会担心。”
While China is becoming more innovative, many members of the group said they believed — and some of their Chinese counterparts agreed — that the United States still leads in some areas.
Although some Chinese tech companies can look very Silicon Valley-esque — with sprawling campuses that include dining halls, gyms and nap rooms — their preferred management style is still top down and results-driven. Unlike Silicon Valley, smart underlings have less freedom to start something new.
Underscoring their admiration for strong leaders, the Chinese technology figures told the Silicon Valley group that many in China idolized the Uber founder Travis Kalanick, who resigned as chief executive last year after the company was embroiled in various scandals. The reason: In his battles with a bigger local rival, Mr. Kalanick could be as aggressive and scrappy as a Chinese boss.
中国科技行业人士对这个硅谷代表团说,许多中国人崇拜优步(Uber)创始人特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick),这突显了他们对强大领导者的钦佩。去年,公司卷入各种丑闻后,卡兰尼克辞去了优步首席执行官的职务。中国人崇拜卡兰尼克的原因是:在与当地一家更大的竞争对手打争夺战时,卡兰尼克表现出与中国老板一样的气势汹汹和好斗。
There was very little discussion about the consequences of Chinese companies’ ruthless focus on growth and the social impact of the technologies they develop — criticism Silicon Valley now faces. The visitors asked how Chinese companies dealt with the issues of censorship and algorithm-driven social media, but their hosts either seemed puzzled by the questions or brushed them off.
Technology itself is neutral, some of the Chinese executives said. It depends on how people use it — an argument that Silicon Valley companies used to make.
And then there was the surveillance. Chinese companies have little choice but to cooperate with Beijing’s growing efforts to track the daily lives of its own people. Some, in fact, make money off it.
Still, the Silicon Valley delegation did not expect facial recognition technology to be so widespread in Chinese life. Companies they visited used it at office entrances and at retail kiosks inside their facilities. They also saw demo videos of how the Chinese police could use the technology to monitor potential crimes in crowded public spaces and learn how many criminals had been arrested.
After grasping how prevalent the cameras were, they started counting them. Even the van they rented from the hotel in Shenzhen had a handful of cameras installed, blinking from time to time to signal that they were on.
Then, like many people in China, they got used to it, as if the cameras weren’t even there.