With a lander and rover, its key mission is to explore the far side of the Moon, a side not visible from the Earth.
People have been admiring the Moon for thousands of years, but the mysteries there are about to get a lot closer.
Blasting off from Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China's Chang'e-4 lunar probe could be the first ever to soft-land on the far side of the Moon.

The Moon's far side, or dark side, is not visible from the Earth due to a phenomenon called tidal locking.
To explore this uncharted area, the first key challenge was to guarantee communication with controllers on Earth.
On May 21, China launched Chang'e-4's relay satellite, Queqiao or Magpie Bridge. It has since entered the Halo orbit, where it serves as a perfect communication link.
The rover will be equipped with four major scientific payloads, which were jointly developed by scientists from the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Saudi Arabia and China.