A range of experts agreed on Wednesday that the president had the legal authority to order the government to rescind the extradition request for the executive, Meng Wanzhou, or even drop the charges against her. But they could not point to another instance of a president injecting himself into a criminal proceeding in a similar way.
“It sets a very bad precedent,” said Nicholas Burns, a former under secretary of state and ambassador to NATO who served in Republican and Democratic administrations and now teaches diplomacy and international relations at Harvard. “By mixing justice with trade and the rule of law with trade, it devalues both.”
“这会设下一个非常糟糕的先例,”尼古拉斯·伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)说,他曾在共和党和民主党的政府中担任过副国务卿和驻北约大使等职,现在哈佛大学讲授外交与国际关系。“把司法与贸易、法治与贸易混在一起,降低了两者的价值。”
Ms. Meng, the chief financial officer of the telecommunications giant Huawei, was arrested last week by Canadian authorities at the request of the American government on suspicion of fraud related to Iranian sanctions. Mr. Trump said in an interview with Reuters that “I would certainly intervene if I thought it was necessary” for a trade deal.
The White House did not respond to a request to explain how Mr. Trump arrived at that position.
But John Demers, the assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s National Security Division, bristled at the notion that the motivation behind the charges might have anything to do with leverage in trade talks. “We are not a tool of trade when we bring the cases,” Mr. Demers said.
但有人认为,这些指控背后的动机可能与贸易谈判中的砝码有关,负责司法部国家安全部门的助理司法部长约翰·德默斯(John Demers)对此说法感到愤怒。“我们提起诉讼时,不是贸易的工具,”德默斯说。
Mr. Burns and others, however, said the president’s remarks could be seen by other countries as a green light.
“By interfering in a Justice Department decision and giving the impression he may release her in exchange for concessions on trade talks, Trump may inspire authoritarian leaders to do the same to Americans around the world,” Mr. Burns said. “You have seen that China has detained a Canadian International Crisis Group leader. Reciprocity is a fundamental foundation stone of international politics. Others will do unto you what you have done unto them.”
Unlike most of his predecessors, Mr. Trump has offered strong opinions on numerous pending court cases, in ways that lawyers said could shape everything from jury selection to the ultimate outcome. In the extradition case involving Ms. Meng, the president seemed willing to treat it as just another element in a deal.
“It takes the term ‘transactional’ to a new level because he is basically suggesting everything is for sale,” said Wendy Cutler, a trade negotiator in President Barack Obama’s administration. “There’s a reason why these issues are in traditional lanes. And once you signal you are going to trade one off for the other, then you are in a whole new world. This undermines the rule of law.”
“这种做法把‘交易’一词提升到了一个新高度,因为他基本上是在暗示,所有东西都可以出卖,”曾在巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)政府担任贸易谈判代表的温迪·卡特勒(Wendy Cutler)说。“这些问题在传统上各行其道是有原因的。一旦你发出信号,可以做交换的话,你就进入了一个全新的世界。这是对法治的破坏。”
To be sure, the United States has often been willing to mix issues of justice to achieve other ends, such as swapping captured spies with other nations. The Iran nuclear deal offers another example.
As part of the Obama administration’s nuclear agreement with Iran, Iran released five American prisoners and Mr. Obama freed seven Iranian and Iranian-American prisoners. In addition to that swap, the Justice Department also quietly dropped sanctions-related charges and rescinded international arrest warrants against 14 other Iranian fugitives.
But Lisa Monaco, who was Mr. Obama’s top homeland security and counterterrorism adviser during the Iran deal — and the former head of the Justice Department’s national security division — argued that dropping the cases against the 14 Iranians was very different from what Mr. Trump is floating as a possibility in the Huawei case.
在达成伊朗核协议期间担任奥巴马的国土安全和反恐问题高级顾问,也曾担任司法部国家安全部门负责人的莉萨·莫纳科(Lisa Monaco)认为,撤销针对那14名伊朗人的案子与特朗普就华为一案提出的可能性很不一样。
For one thing, she said, the Justice Department had concluded it was unlikely ever to be in a position to extradite the Iranians, while American prosecutors are now close to having Ms. Meng in their grasp.
For another, the Iran nuclear deal was an international agreement with numerous other nations, not a common bilateral trade dispute. What is more, it was also a one-time move made in a unique context: a deal to end Iran’s nuclear ambitions without war. Trade negotiations, on the other hand, happen all the time — so the precedent, she said, could endanger Americans.
“I think as a matter of law Trump could direct the Justice Department to drop the prosecution that is the basis of the extradition request,” Ms. Monaco said. “That would be wrong and outside any acceptable norm, and it would be open season on our own executives to be detained and hassled in other countries that want to get leverage in trade talks. But he could do it.”
Curtis Bradley, a Duke University law professor who has written about international law and extradition issues, said what was most unusual about Mr. Trump’s views was that he expressed them publicly as opposed to making them known through diplomatic channels. But he said that from a legal perspective, the decision to request extradition or drop such a request was primarily a matter of foreign affairs, over which the president had broad legal authority.
杜克大学(Duke University)法学教授柯蒂斯·布拉德利(Curtis Bradley)写过关于国际法和引渡问题的文章。布拉德利说,特朗普的观点最不寻常之处在于,他公开表达了这些观点,而不是通过外交渠道传达。但他说,从法律角度来看,要求引渡或放弃这一请求的决定,主要是一个外交问题,总统在这方面有广泛的法律权力。
“Extradition is sufficiently political already and part of our foreign affairs,” he said. “I don’t think it’s comparable to intervening in domestic criminal decision-making.”
Still, the move could raise diplomatic tensions with Canada, one of the largest trading partners of the United States.
“Our extradition partners should not seek to politicize the extradition process or use it for ends other than the pursuit of justice,” Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s foreign minister, said at a news conference on Wednesday, adding that she had spoken to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about the case earlier in the week and had stressed that Canada was a “rule of law country.”
“我们的引渡合作伙伴关系不应用于寻求引渡过程政治化或用来寻求追求正义以外的目的,”加拿大外交部长克里斯蒂娅·弗里兰(Chrystia Freeland)周三在一个新闻发布会上说。她还表示,她已在本周早些时候与美国国务卿迈克·庞皮欧(Mike Pompeo)就此案交流了看法,她强调,加拿大是一个“法治国家”。
She said that it would be up to Ms. Meng’s “lawyers whether they choose to raise comments in the U.S. as part of their defense” and that it would then be up to “Canadian judges how to weigh the significance.”
Mr. Bradley noted that the extradition treaty with Canada made an exception for crimes of “a political character.” Mr. Trump’s comments, he said, might give Ms. Meng’s lawyers a hook to argue that Canada should not send her to the United States.
“If there was evidence that the U.S. prosecution was initiated for political reasons, I suppose Meng’s lawyer could argue that the offense is of a political character,” he said. “And Trump’s remarks might at least be further evidence of that.”