Since June 2018, the agency received what it called"a recent uptick" in reports where users describehaving seizures that may be connected with their e-cigarette use. The FDA collects information aboutvape safety risks through their Safety ReportingPortal, where people who use e-cigarettes can sharetheir experiences. Between reports via that portal and from poison control centers, the FDAcounted 35 reports of seizures between 2010 and early 2019 that may be related to vaping. Most of those, it said, involved "youth or young adult users."

We know that nicotine poisoning can cause seizures, like when people swallow vape juice. But the FDA doesn't know yet what the relationship between seizures and vaping is here, saysFDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb in a statement today. Some of these seizures might beunconnected, or some might be caused by inhaling massive amounts nicotine. That seemsless plausible, says Peter Chai, a medical toxicologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital inBoston. "I think exposure (skin contact or oral) in children, or vaping exposure in youngerindividuals (adolescents through which we've seen a large increase in e-cig use), might beaccounting or the increase in these seizures," he says in an email to The Verge.
我们知道,尼古丁中毒会导致癫痫,就像喝烟油一样。但美国食品药品监管局并不清楚癫痫与电子烟之间的关系,美国食品药品监管局局长斯科特·戈特利布在今日发布的声明中说道。有些癫痫发作与吸入大量尼古丁无关,而有些则正是因为吸入大量尼古丁引起的。波士顿布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women'sHospital)的医学毒理学家彼得·柴说,这似乎是不合理的。"我认为儿童接触(皮肤或口腔接触),或年轻人接触电子烟(青少年--吸电子烟的青少年越来越多),可能是导致癫痫发作的原因,"他在发给The Verge杂志的一封邮件中写道。
"To get enough nicotine in your body to cause seizures by smoking cigarettes is well-nighimpossible," says medical toxicologist Edward W. Boyer, an associate professor of emergencymedicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital. But similar cases of nicotine-related seizureshave been linked to eating it. Boyer thinks it's plausible that e-cigarettes could deliver enoughnicotine to do the same. The truth is, there's not much data to go on. And for now, the FDA'sGottlieb says, "We can't yet say for certain that e-cigarettes are causing these seizures."