1) be in hot water
中文里有个说法,叫做处于水深火热之中,形容人的处境危险。在英语中,be in hot water means to be in or get into a difficult situation in which you are in danger of being criticized or punished. 意思是遇到麻烦,处于困境之中。与中文的水深火热的意思相似。
If he can't borrow that bank loan by this Friday, he'll be in hot water.
I need to be at the airport early. So I might be in hot water if traffic was worse than normal.
2) hot potato
Hot potato means a subject or problem that no one wants to deal with, because it is difficult and any decision might make people angry. Hot potato可以翻译为烫手山芋,喻指棘手的问题。有的同学直译过来会翻译成“热土豆”,那可就闹笑话啦!
They are trying their best to do anything they can to drop her like a hot potato.
3) Blow hot and cold
Blow hot and cold means to sometimes like or be interested in something or someone and sometimes not, so people are confused about how you really feel. “Blow hot and cold” 用来形容对事物的兴趣像天气一样忽冷忽热,变化无常,或者总是改变自己的观点,摇摆不定。
The summer holiday is coming, but Annie is still blowing hot and cold about going on a vacation to Hong Kong.