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    US protesters clash with police over man's shooting


    A crowd of 300 protesters, some of them throwing rocks, have squared off against police in riot gear in Memphis, Tennessee, overnight after officers from the US Marshals fatally shot a black man during an attempted arrest.


    At least two dozen police officers and two journalists were injured during the confrontation, Mayor Jim Strickland said in a statement on Thursday, adding that six officers were taken to the hospital.

    纽约市长吉姆·斯特里克兰德(Jim Strickland)周四在一份声明中表示,至少有24名警察和两名记者在冲突中受伤,另有六名警察被送往医院。


    The injuries were mostly minor, the police department said, and the crowd eventually dispersed. It was not clear how many civilians were hurt or whether anyone was arrested.


    The tense scene raised the possibility of more disturbances in the predominantly black city, evoking memories of a string of sometimes violent protests against police brutality that broke out in other cities in recent years.


    Those clashes, notably many days of protests after an unarmed black man was killed in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, gave rise to the Black Lives Matter movement.

    这些冲突,尤其是2014年密苏里州弗格森市一名手无寸铁的黑人男子被杀后的多天抗议活动,引发了“黑人生命同样重要”(black Lives Matter)运动。

    In Memphis, agents with the US Marshals Service shot a man identified as Brandon Webber as they were trying to arrest him on multiple warrants at about 7pm local time on Wednesday in the working-class neighbourhood of Frayser, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, which is probing the shooting.


    Webber rammed his vehicle into vehicles driven by the marshals before getting out with an unspecified weapon, the bureau said in a statement. The Marshals Service, an arm of the US Department of Justice, arrests fugitives, among other roles.

    联邦调查局在一份声明中说,韦伯驾驶的汽车撞上了执法人员驾驶的汽车,然后带着不明武器下车。美国司法部(US Department of Justice)下属的法警部门(Marshals Service)负责逮捕逃犯等任务。


    The state investigations bureau did not state the reason marshals wanted to arrest Webber.


    Webber was a 20-year-old father, and his Facebook page quickly filled with tributes from friends mourning his death.


    "The U.S. Marshals killed my son," Sonny Webber, the father of Brandon Webber, said in a brief telephone interview.

    布兰登韦伯(Brandon Webber)的父亲桑尼韦伯(Sonny Webber)在一次简短的电话采访中说,“美国警察杀了我的儿子。”

    "He just had his first daughter a couple of weeks ago, and another daughter on the way."


    The younger Webber was also the father of a two-year-old son, and had planned to attend the University the Memphis in August, his father said.


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