A group of people at South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach was caught on camera swimming just a few feet away from some sharks — and “not one person had an idea of what was lurking around them,” a witness says.
(Ginger Gilmer/Facebook)
Photos of the “scary” ocean encounter were posted on Facebook last Friday by Ginger Gilmer, who was visiting from Tennessee.
上周五,来自田纳西州的金吉尔·吉尔默(Ginger Gilmer)在Facebook上发布了这次“可怕的”海洋遭遇的照片。
“Why I go to the beach to get in the pool!” she wrote in the caption. “Can’t see the bottom, not swimming in it!”
The Bulls Gap woman was staying at a resort in the Cherry Grove area of Myrtle Beach and reportedly snapped the pictures from her 15th-floor balcony. Gilmer later pointed out where the sharks were by editing the images and drawing arrows on them.
“Not one person had an idea of what was lurking around them,” she said in the caption, pointing at the dark spots that appeared to be sharks.
“Mad respect for the sharks,” Gilmer added. ““I did not share (the photos) to make anyone hate or harm the creatures…They are amazing predators and they are right where God intended them to be.”
The traveler said she “will still go back to Myrtle Beach,” but is “not getting in the ocean.”
“It was an awesome sight, but scary,” Gilmer concluded.
(Ginger Gilmer/Facebook)
Her account of the incident and photos — which have been shared more than 20,000 times — were making the rounds Tuesday on social media as word of another “Jaws” encounter came out of New Jersey.
A group of fishermen caught what appeared to be a massive great white shark on camera as they were casting lines off the coast of Point Pleasant.
一群渔民在普莱森特角(Point Pleasant)海岸钓鱼时,在摄像机前捕捉到一条巨大的大白鲨。
“That was the coolest f–ing thing I’ve ever seen,” one of the fishermen can be heard saying on video. “Once in a lifetime.”