陷入困境的波音公司(Boeing)首席执行官丹尼斯•米伦伯格(Dennis Muilenburg)已放弃数百万美元的奖金与股票奖酬,以求恢复人们对其领导能力的信心,此前,该公司最新的737 Max客机发生了两起致命坠机事故。
David Calhoun, who became chairman last month after Mr Muilenburg was stripped of the role, said the Boeing chief had offered to waive his performance awards at the weekend following meetings with families of the 346 victims who died in the crashes.
在米伦伯格被解除董事会主席职务后,戴维•卡尔霍恩(David Calhoun)上月被任命为波音董事会主席。卡尔霍恩表示,这位波音公司的CEO在上周末提出放弃其业绩奖酬,此前他与两起坠机的346名遇难者的家属进行了会面。
The gesture comes after members of Congress called on Mr Muilenburg to resign and fiercely criticised his pay in two days of intense questioning over Boeing’s responsibility for the crash of both Lion Air flight 610 in October last year and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in March 2019. Investigators have pointed to the anti-stall system on the 737 Max as a significant factor in the incidents.
作出这一姿态之前,美国国会议员在两天的听证会上呼吁米伦伯格辞职,并严厉批评他获得的奖酬,听证会的主题是波音在去年10月狮航(Lion Air) 610航班和今年3月埃塞俄比亚航空(Ethiopian Airlines) 302航班坠机事故中的责任。调查人员指出,737 Max的防失速系统是导致空难的一个重大因素。
Despite the Lion Air crash, Mr Muilenburg was awarded the highest pay of his tenure at $23.4m in 2018, up from $18.5m the year before. The package included a $13m cash award reflecting short and long-term performance, and a grant of shares valued at $7m.
Mr Muilenburg will now only be entitled to his base salary for 2019, which was $1.7m last year.
Mr Calhoun told CNBC that Mr Muilenburg had also waived rights to any share award “until the 737 in its entirety is in the air and flying safely”. This could mean no equity payout before 2021, he said.
Boeing is under fire over its approach to safety in the production of the 737 Max, a variant of its best-selling single-aisle jet. Documents were produced by various members of the congressional committees interrogating the chief, which showed Boeing employees had raised concerns about the anti-stall system known as MCAS long before the aircraft went into service in 2017.
波音正因其在生产737 Max客机过程中的安全程序而受到攻击,此型飞机是波音最畅销的单通道客机的最新型号。国会各委员会成员在质询波音CEO时展示的一些文件显示,早在2017年该机型服役之前,波音员工就对被称为“机动特性增强系统”(MCAS)的防失速系统提出过担忧。
On several occasions during the congressional testimony, Mr Muilenburg struggled to respond to heated criticism of his remuneration.
When called on by Angela Craig, a Democratic representative from Minnesota, to promise to give up all share awards for 2019, Mr Muilenburg refused to answer the question directly. Saying it was a decision for the board, Mr Muilenburg insisted: “It is not about the money for me . . . I anticipate this year’s bonus cycle will be zero.”
当明尼苏达州民主党众议员安吉拉•克雷格(Angela Craig)要求其承诺放弃2019年的所有股票奖励时,米伦伯格拒绝直接回答这个问题。米伦伯格坚称,这是要由董事会作出的决定:“这不是给我多少钱的问题…我估计今年的奖金为零。”
Mr Calhoun said the situation had clearly been “very uncomfortable” for Mr Muilenburg. However, a two-and-a-half hour meeting with victims’ families after the first day of testimony had “changed his life”, the chairman said.