Manky Lugo has developed a gruesome expertise. Like a human bloodhound, she sniffs out traces of death.
Her gray hair wrapped in a bright-green bandanna, the 64-year-old applies her skill during an annual search for remains of fellow citizens who have vanished without a trace — victims of wars and armed groups. A loved one of her own is among the missing.
"I'm looking for my son Juan Francisco, who disappeared on June 19. 2015." she says. "Three days after he went missing, I started searching for him and haven't stopped since."
Lugo is one of hundreds of Mexican citizens from across the country who spent two weeks in February in and around the eastern city of Poza Rica, Veracruz, searching for clandestine graves. All are hoping to find their missing loved ones.
Like most other mothers in this sad collective, Lugo doesn't want to talk about why her son may have fallen victim to violence. She will only say that he worked in the local mayor's office.
When others think they might have found a clandestine gravesite, they call Lugo over with her long, pointed metal stick.
"I plunge the stick in as far as I can and then pull it out and smell the tip. If it smells like dead body, it's positive," she says. "It's terrible, but you have to smell it. That's my job now."
In January, the Mexican government released a report, revising upward its estimate of the number of citizens who have disappeared to 61.637. up from 40.000 reported in April 2018.
Many of the cases date back to the 1960s. But more than 97% were only reported much later, starting in 2006.
Five thousand Mexicans went missing last year. The search for them has mostly fallen to ordinary citizens. Nearly 100 "collectives" have sprouted up across the country.