Fake news travels fast, but the coronavirus is faster.
That’s why the World Health Organization has committed to providing the most accurate, up-to-date information about COVID-19 made available by global health experts and scientists — by creating a smartphone app that will put the right information into the hands of anyone with an iOS or Android device.
According to tech blog 9to5Google, the app, WHO MyHealth, is set to launch as soon as Monday, March 30.
据科技博客9to5Google报道,这款名为WHO MyHealth的应用程序最快将于3月30日(星期一)发布。
The open-source app is reportedly being developed by former Microsoft and Google employees working in tandem with WHO advisers — a team they’ve dubbed the “WHO Covid App Collective.” A beta version of their latest build is already available on GitHub for those who want to preview the interface.
据报道,这一开源应用程序是由微软和谷歌的前雇员与世卫组织顾问合作开发的,他们称之为“世卫组织Covid应用程序团队”(WHO Covid app Collective)。GitHub上已经有了他们最新版本的测试版,供那些想预览该界面的人使用。
Health officials hope MyHealth will be regarded as the premier source for information on the treatment and prevention of the coronavirus illness, as well as travel advice and how to spot the misinformation being disseminated via social media. They say that features will also be added in time, such as location-specific notifications and tools to help potential COVID-19 patients understand when it’s time to see a doctor.
The app’s creators are also exploring the possibility of a “contact tracing” feature, which would use smartphone data to alert users when they’ve been to a coronavirus hotspot or have come in direct contact with an infected individual.
“Leveraging existing technology like Google Maps, [this feature] allows users to indicate whether they have been diagnosed or have come into contact with COVID-19 patients. In addition, request permission to track historic location data on their device,” the collective writes in a statement, available via Google Docs.
“利用谷歌地图(Google Maps)等现有技术,[这项功能]允许用户指出他们是否已被诊断或接触到COVID-19患者。此外,请求允许在他们的设备上跟踪历史位置数据,”collective在一份声明中写道,该声明可通过谷歌文档获得。
However, they note that privacy concerns may prevent such a tool from coming to fruition.