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    Domino’s to donate 10 million slices of pizza across US


    Mama mia, that’s a lot of pizza.


    Domino’s recently announced that it plans on giving away 10 million slices of pizza to help keep communities across the United States fed during the coronavirus outbreak. The company is also teaming up with its franchises across the nation to help operationalize the plan.


    In a news release published on its website, Domino’s said it aimed to donate the food to help keep hospitals and medical centers fed during the crisis. The pizza chain also plans on helping out school kids, health departments, grocery store workers and “others in need.”



    “We have a long history of feeding people during times of crisis and uncertainty,” said Russell Weiner, Domino’s chief operating officer and president of the Americas, said. “When we were looking at how we could help, we knew we could use the reach of our national brand to make a difference in thousands of local neighborhoods.”

    达美乐首席运营官兼美洲区总裁拉塞尔•韦纳(Russell Weiner)表示:“我们在危机和不确定时期为人们提供食物方面有着悠久的历史。”“当我们考虑如何提供帮助时,我们知道我们可以利用我们国家品牌的影响力,在数千个当地社区发挥作用。”

    He added that the company’s “franchisees and company-owned stores” are “already doing amazing work in their communities and we know that by amplifying those efforts together we will be able to help even more people who are struggling right now.”


    According to the press release, all 6,126 Domino’s across the United States are expected to participate in the program.


    “We empowered our managers to look for opportunities in their local neighborhoods to donate pizzas to those in need,” Seattle-area Domino’s franchisee Pat Farmer said. “It could be for families, frontline workers or even those showing up to work at our grocery stores. Stores are now actively looking for who they can help next. They have pride in how they’re making a difference during difficult times.”

    西雅图地区达美乐加盟商Pat Farmer表示:“我们授权经理人在当地社区寻找机会,向有需要的人捐赠比萨饼。” “这项计划可能适合家庭,一线工人,甚至是那些在我们的杂货店露面的人。商店现在正在积极寻找下一步可以提供帮助的人。他们为在困难时期能有所作为感到自豪。”

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