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    China's large manufacturing firms, with an annual business turnover of at least 20 million yuan, will have all introduced digitalization by 2035, said a draft issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Wednesday. By 2025, these firms will basically have achieved digitalization, while leading firms in key industries will basically have achieved intelligent transformation, said the draft on intelligent manufacturing development.



    According to the draft, the technology and market competitiveness of intelligent manufacturing equipment and industrial software will see significant improvements by 2025. The intelligent manufacturing equipment will meet 70% of domestic demand, while the industrial software manufacturing will meet half of domestic demand by 2025, said the draft issued to solicit public opinion.


      上一篇:《中华人民共和国市场主体登记管理条例(草案)》通过 下一篇:老友记重聚真的来了

