Despite having round anuses like all other mammals, bare-nosed wombatsdo not produce round pellets, tubular coils or messy piles; they are the only creature on Earth that poops cubes.
Wombats, marsupials native to the grassyplains and eucalyptusforests of Australia, are among the most adorable animals in the world, but to animal experts they have been a tough-to-solve mystery for a very long time. And it has all been because of their poop. You see, bare-nosed wombats have the unique ability to produce up to 100 distinctiveintestinecreates this unusually-shaped excrementthe digestive tractsof wombats involved in car accidents. They compared the marsupial's intestinesto those of pigs, by inserting a balloon into the animals' digestive tracts to see how it stretched to fit the balloon, and found regions of variedthickness and stiffness.
Scientists then created a 2D mathematical model to simulate how these intestine regions contract and expand with the rhythms of digestionregions squeeze slowly and mold the final corners of the cube, researchers found. Interestingly, in most mammals, the contractionsof intestinal muscles occur in all directions, but in wombats, the groovedtissue and irregular contractions shape the poop differently.
While this research may seem completely meaningless, or just meant to satisfy human curiosity, the scientists involved in the study say that these new revelations could have a big impact on human digestive health research and manufacturing technology. It would be a cool method to apply to the manufacturing process, how to make a cube with soft tissue instead of just molding it.
Now that the mystery of how bare-nosed wombats produce cubical poop seems to have been solved, that only leaves the 'why'. Scientists have some theories about this as well. One states that because wombats pick up their poop and stack it as a way of communicating between them, the cubicleshape helps them build higher poop towers.
Another theory claims that because wombats tend to use their poop to mark their territory on rocks and logs, the cubical shape of the excrement ensures that it won't simply roll off.
Also fun fact, the poop of wombats in captivityisn't as cubic as that of wild ones. The squarer the poop, the healthier the wombat, apparently18.