菲律宾资深记者玛丽亚·雷沙(Maria Ressa)周六(10月9日)表示,她的诺贝尔和平奖是给“全世界所有记者”的,她发誓将继续为新闻自由而战。
This is really for all journalists around the world, Ms Ressa, a vocal critic of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, said in an interview.
对菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)直言不讳的雷沙,在一次采访中表示:“这真的是给全世界所有记者的。”
We do need help on so many fronts - it is so much more difficult and dangerous to be a journalist today.
Ms Ressa, co-founder of news website Rappler, and Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for their efforts to "safeguard freedom of expression".
上周五,新闻网站Rappler联合创始人雷沙和俄罗斯记者德米特里•穆拉托夫(Dmitry Muratov)被授予诺贝尔和平奖,以表彰他们“捍卫言论自由”的努力。
Philippine press groups and rights activists hailed Ms Ressa's award as a "triumph" in a country ranked as one of the world's most dangerous for journalists.
Since Mr Duterte swept to power in 2016, Ms Ressa and Rappler have endured what media advocates say is a grinding series of criminal charges, investigations and online attacks.
Mr Duterte has called Rappler a "fake news outlet", and Ms Ressa has been the target of abusive messages online.
Ms Ressa, 58, said she hoped the prize would provide a protective shield for her and other journalists in the Philippines against physical attacks and online threats.
I hope this allows journalists to do our jobs well without fear.