"The most valuable sneakers ever offered at auction — Michael Jordan's regular season game-worn Nike Air Ships from 1984 — have just sold at $1,472,000 at our luxury sale in Las Vegas," the auction house said in a statement on Twitter.
该拍卖行发布推文说:"拍卖史上最值钱的运动鞋——迈克尔•乔丹在1984年常规赛穿过的耐克运动鞋'Air Ships',在拉斯维加斯的拍卖会上刚刚以147.2万美元的价格成交。"
The astronomical price easily beat the record held by a pair of Nike Air Jordans which sold for $615,000 in August 2020 at a Christie's auction.
这一天价轻松打破了在2020年8月的佳士得拍卖会上以61.5万美元成交的一双耐克"Air Jordan"运动鞋保持的交易纪录。
Jordan is seen by many as the best player in the history of basketball.
Jordan, who retired in 2003, also became the first billionaire player in NBA history.