新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 126 Have to and to not need to
教程:新概念英语第一册(美音版)  浏览:21559  
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    Do you have to go now?

    Yes, I have to leave immediately.

    Do you have to get up early tomorrow morning?

    Yes, I'll have to get up at six o'clock.

    Did you have to take a taxi?

    I'm afraid I had to.

    I couldn't get a bus.

    Hasn't your friend arrived yet?

    How long have you had to wait?

    I've had to wait for two hours!

    Do you have to water the garden?

    No, I don't need to water it now.

    It's going to rain.

    Do we have to walk to the station?

    No, we don't need to.

    We can catch a bus.

    immediately adv. 立即地

      上一篇:新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 124 (Who)/(whom), (which) and (that) 下一篇:新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 128 He can't be …/He must be …

