Situation 9:
Walking in Los Angeles(Mr. Pak and Su-mi decide to go for a w
alk near Mrs. Kim's house.)
Are you tired?
No,I feel fine.What about you, Sue?
No,I'm not tired.Why do you ask?
Well,in front of our house there are many nice stores.I thought you might
want to take a walk and see some of them.
Okay,that sounds fun.Do you want to go too, Sue?
Of course I want to go.I love shopping.
Well,I can't promise you whether you can buy anything or not.
So it won't really be shopping.
That's all right I like window shopping too.
Okay,let's go.We'll come back in about thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes?All right.See you then(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go
out of the houseand go down the street to where there are
many stores.)
Hey,there is a store that sells food and drinks.
Can we go in? I am thirsty.
Yes,I'm thirsty too.(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go into the store,but
they cannot find the milk.Mr.Pak asks the man working at the store
where it is. )
Excuse me,but where is the "milku"?
I am sorry,what are you looking for?
"Milku."I want to know where the "milku" is.
I am very sorry,but I can't understand.
We are looking for some milk.
Oh, milk.Thank you.It is in the back of the store,
next to the cheese and eggs
Wow,Sue, your pronunciation is very good.
That is the difference between the old and the new generation
Situation 9:
Walking in Los Angeles(Mr. Pak and Su-mi decide to go for a w
alk near Mrs. Kim's house.)
Are you tired?
No,I feel fine.What about you, Sue?
No,I'm not tired.Why do you ask?
Well,in front of our house there are many nice stores.I thought you might
want to take a walk and see some of them.
Okay,that sounds fun.Do you want to go too, Sue?
Of course I want to go.I love shopping.
Well,I can't promise you whether you can buy anything or not.
So it won't really be shopping.
That's all right I like window shopping too.
Okay,let's go.We'll come back in about thirty minutes.
Thirty minutes?All right.See you then(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go
out of the houseand go down the street to where there are
many stores.)
Hey,there is a store that sells food and drinks.
Can we go in? I am thirsty.
Yes,I'm thirsty too.(Mr.Pak and Su-mi go into the store,but
they cannot find the milk.Mr.Pak asks the man working at the store
where it is. )
Excuse me,but where is the "milku"?
I am sorry,what are you looking for?
"Milku."I want to know where the "milku" is.
I am very sorry,but I can't understand.
We are looking for some milk.
Oh, milk.Thank you.It is in the back of the store,
next to the cheese and eggs
Wow,Sue, your pronunciation is very good.
That is the difference between the old and the new generation