41 Like father like daughter 有其父必有其女
My daughter had absentmindedly left her sneakers on our kitchen table. “That's disgusting,” my husband grumbled. “Doesn't she realize we eat off that table?” Then he went out to work on the car. I cleaned the table and left to do my grocery shopping. When I came home I couldn't set my bags down anywhere. Sitting in the middle of the kitchen table was a car muffler.我女儿心不在焉地把她的球鞋扔在厨房的桌子上。我丈夫嘟嘟囔囔地说:“真恶心,难道她不知道我们在这张桌子上吃饭吗?”然后他出去弄他的车去了。我把桌子清理完后就出门去买东西。等我买好东西回来,我的这些包都找不到地方放。在厨房的桌子的正中,放了一个汽车的消音器。