47 Am I so bad? 我有那么糟吗?
Eight and a half months very pregnant with twins, I was used to getting nervous glances from strangers. But I never realized how imposing I was until my husband and I went out to dinner at a new restaurant. The hostess sat us at our table, took a long look at my stomach and asked, “Would you like me to get you a high chair?”我怀的是双胞胎,八个半月了。我也已经习惯陌生人用紧张的目光看我了。但是一直到我和我丈夫到一家新的餐馆去吃饭的时候,我才意识到我有多显眼。那个女招待带我们坐下,盯着我的肚子看了半天,还问:“要不要我给你拿一个高椅子来?”