173 He leaks 他漏了
Even though we were on a shoestring grad-student budget, my wife insisted we pay off the hospital bill when our son was born. Now we had to figure out how to meet our other financial obligations. We were discussing this one night when the baby began crying for a diaper change. As my wife picked him up, she sighed, “He's the only thing in this house that's paid for, and he leaks.”尽管我们是靠研究生那一点菲薄的收入生活,我太太在生完儿子以后还是坚持要付清医院的账单。现在我们必须想办法怎样来偿还其他债务。这天晚上我们正在讨论的时候,孩子哭了,该换尿片了。我太太把孩子抱起来,叹了一口气说:“他是这房子里唯一付了钱的,他还漏了。”