176 Flight Simulator 模拟飞行器
Bad weather had backed up all flights, and as a result our plane sat on the runway for three hours. All attempts to placate passengers weren't working. Then the pilot came on the intercom to announce his umpteenth update: “Folks, we'll be getting permission to take off, but I have to tell you that we're 26th in line for departure.” As a collective groan filled the aircraft, I took the mike and added, “Ladies and gentlemen, please close your window shades. We'll soon be showing a movie, ‘Flight Simulator’.”坏天气使所有的航班都推迟了,结果我们的飞机在跑道上等了三小时。所有使乘客息怒的努力都不起作用。飞行员用广播宣布他的第无数次情况通报:“伙计们,我们将会得到起飞的许可。但是我不得不告诉大家,我们在起飞线上排名第二十六。”当机舱里充满抱怨声的时候,我接过麦克风补充说:“女士们、先生们,请把窗户挡板关上。我们马上就要放映一部电影:《模拟飞行器》。”