182 Every three months or 3,000 miles 每三个月或者三千英里
When I went to a store to get oil and filters, I bought my wife a bouquet of flowers. Some women in line behind me were oohing and aahing about a husband getting flowers for his wife. “How often do you do that?” one asked. Before I could answer, the checkout girl said, “Every three months or 3,000 miles—whichever comes first.”我到商店买机油和滤油器,也给我妻子买了一束鲜花。排在我后面的几个女人大惊小怪地谈论丈夫给妻子买花的事。有一个问我:“你隔多久买一次啊?”我还没来得及回答,收款小姐就抢着说:“每三个月或者三千英里,看哪一个先到。”