183 Please step off the plane 请下飞机
To pass the time while our plane was being de-iced, the flight attendants played a trivia game with the passengers. They asked us to guess the total number of years the three of them had worked for the airlines. After an attendant collected our estimates, we heard the announcement: “The correct answer is 26 years. For the two people who came closest with 28 years, we have prizes. And as for the passenger in seat 12F who guessed 85 years—would you please step off the plane once we are airborne.”当我们的飞机在除冰的时候,空中小姐跟乘客做一个小游戏打发时间。她们要我们猜她们三个人总共在航空公司工作了多少年。一位空中小姐听了我们的估计数之后,宣布结果:“正确的答案是26年。有两位乘客答了28年,最接近正确答案。我们有奖品给他们。坐在12排F座的乘客猜了85年。请他在我们升空以后下飞机。”