215 A Sample of DNA DNA试样
Out of the Navy and ready to buy my own home, I filled out the veterans loan forms and mailed them away. But what I didn't realize was that I had placed the forms in the envelope containing a lock of hair from my son's first haircut. Two weeks later I received this note: “Enclosed is your loan certificate. Regardless of what you were told, we really don't need a sample of your DNA.”我离开了海军,准备买自己的房子,就填了一份老兵贷款申请表寄了去。但是,我没有注意到我用的这个信封里装有一缕我儿子第一次剪下来的头发。两个星期以后,我收到一份通知:“随信附上你的贷款证书。不论别人怎样告诉你,我们实在不需要你的DNA试样。”