7. I am the son of the wounded
There was once a car accident1 on the road, many people surrounded the scene of the accident. One reporter was late and can not get his way into the crowd, so he shouted loudly, "Excuse me, I am father of the wounded, please let me in!"
A way was cleared, the reporter walked inside and got the photos and report he needed, and was envied2 by his colleagues3.
The second day there was another car accident on the road, and the same crowd formed. The reporter was late again and could not make his way into the crowd, so he shouted again, "Excuse me, I am the son of the wounded, please let me in!"
A way was cleared, and the reporter made his way into the crowd to find that the wounded was a dog.
1. accident 事故
2. envy 妒忌
3. colleague 同事
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