动物笑话:4、 A pig with a wooden leg 装了一只假肢的猪
教程:英语幽默  浏览:1154  
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    4. A pig with a wooden leg

    Farmer Jones noticed a pig with a wooden leg at his friend's door. He asked curiously, "Fred, how'd that pig get him a wooden leg?" "Well, that's a mighty special pig! Once a wild boar1 attacked me while I was walking in the woods. That pig there came running, chased him away. Saved my life!"

    And the boar tore up his leg? "No he was fine then. But a bit later we had a fire near the barn2. The pig started squealing3, woke us up. Before we got here, he had herded the other animals out of the barn and saved them all!" "So that's when he hurt his leg?" "No, he was fine after that, though. When my tractor hit a rock and rolled down the hill into the pond I was knocked clean out. That pig dove into the pond and dragged me out." "And that was when he hurt his leg?" "Oh no, he was fine."

    OK, Fred. So just tell me. How did he get the wooden leg? "Well", Fred said "a pig like that, you don't want to eat all at once."


    1. boar 野猪

    2. barn 谷仓,牲口棚

    3. squealing 尖叫





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      上一篇:动物笑话:3、 The only bear 独一无二的熊 下一篇:动物笑话:5、 A three-legged chicken 三条腿的小鸡

