First flight 第一次坐飞机
Mr. Johnson had never been up in an aeroplane before and he had read a lot about air accidents , so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane, Mr. Johnson was very worried about accepting. Finally, however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe, and Mr. Johnson boarded the plane.
His friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport. Mr. Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight was the take-off and the landing, so he was extremely frightened and closed his eyes.
After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend, "Look at those people down there. They look as small as ants , don't they?"
Those are ants, answered his friend. "We're still on the ground."
aeroplane [ˈeərəpleɪn] n. 飞机
air accident 飞行事故,飞机失事
persuade [pəˈsweɪd] v. 说服,劝服
board [bɔːd] v. 上(船、火车、飞机、公共汽车等)
engine [ˈendʒɪn] n. 发动机,引擎
taxi [ˈtæksɪ] v.(指飞机)在地面或水面滑行(尤指起飞前或降落后)
runway [ˈrʌnweɪ] n. (飞机的)跑道
dangerous [ˈdeɪndʒərəs] adj. 危险的
flight [flaɪt] n. 航班,飞行
take-off [ˈteɪkɒf] n. 起飞
extremely [ɪkˈstriːmli] adv. 极端地,非常地
frightened [ˈfraɪtənd] adj. 害怕的
ant [ænt] n. 蚂蚁
A First class or economy class?
B Two first class tickets. Non-stop to Tokyo.
A 请问要头等舱还是经济舱?
B 两张头等舱机票。直飞东京。
★first class 头等舱
★economy class 经济舱
★non-stop [ˌnɒnˈstɒp] adj.& adv.(指火车、旅行等)中途不停(的),直达(的)
A Did you buy the tickets yet?
B Not yet. I will buy them tomorrow.
A 你已经买机票了?
B 没有呢,我明天去买。
A When is the plane boarding?
B The plane has been delayed. I'm not sure.
A 什么时候登机?
B 飞机晚点了。我也不确定。
★delayed [dɪˈleɪd] adj. 耽搁的,延迟的
A When should I board the plane?
B The plane will take off in an hour, you should board it before twenty minutes.
A 我应该什么时候登机?
B 飞机一小时后起飞,你需要提前二十分钟登机。
美国航空(American Airlines),或译美利坚航空公司,简称美航,是全世界载客量和机队最大的航空公司。它的总部位于得克萨斯州的沃斯堡,紧邻达拉斯-沃斯堡国际机场,执行的航班遍及整个美国,还有飞往加拿大、拉丁美洲、西欧、日本、中国、和印度的航班。1982年,美国航空成为AMR公司的一个子公司。2013年,美国航空原母公司AMR与全美航空原母公司全美航空集团完成合并,美国航空自此成为合并后的美国航空集团之子公司。至2006年2月为止,美国航空公司共飞往171个城市、拥有624架各式客机。美航在美国-拉丁美洲间的载客量比任何其他航空公司都要高,在2004年达到89亿210万人次;美航也拥有不小比例的跨洲航线市场。