儿童英语笑话 你以前是一只熊? You used to be a bear?
教程:英语幽默  浏览:374  
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    014 你以前是一只熊? You used to be a bear?

    I was a Marine and now work for United Parcel Service. One day I bought my four-year-old son a stuffed bear in Marine garb. I brought out a picture of myself in full Marine dress. Pointing to the photo and then to the bear,I explained."That's daddy."

    His eyes went from one to the other,and then he asked in a puzzled voice,"You used to be a bear"

    我以前是海军陆战队员,现在在联合包裹投递公司上班。 有一天,我给 4 岁的儿子买了一个穿着海军陆战队制服的玩具熊。 我拿出一张我的穿着海军陆战队全套制服的照片,指指照片,又指指玩具熊,解释说:"这是爸爸。"



    garb n. 服装,装扮,装束

    dress n. 女服,( 统指) 衣服

      上一篇:儿童英语笑话 你听妈妈怎么说,你就怎么说 Just say what you hear mommy say 下一篇:儿童英语笑话 我能看见跳水板 I can see the diving board

