学生英语笑话 校长的好记性 Principal s good memory
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    100 校长的好记性 Principal s good memory

    Although schools are getting bigger and bigger,most principals in Germany still think it very important to know all students by name. In a meeting,a principal recognized one of his previous students,"You are Mr. Millo in class-6A of 1994,aren't you"

    The young man answered,"Yes,I am. Mr. Principal,you really have a very good memory."

    The principal said proudly,"You see,I never forget any of my old students. Then,what do you do now"

    The young man answered,"Now,I am one of your mathematics teachers in the school,Mr. Principal."

    在德国,尽管学校变得越来越大,大多数校长还是认为知道全体在校学生的名字很重要。在一次会议上,一位校长认出了他先前的一名学生:"你是米罗先生,1994 级 6A 班的学生,对吗?"


    校长骄傲地说:"你看,我从来不会忘记任何一个老学生的名字。 那么,你现在干什么工作?"


      上一篇:学生英语笑话 哪个轮胎破了? Which tire was flat? 下一篇:学生英语笑话 我的办法奏效了 My trick worked

