Unit 10 Vacation plans;
Warm up;
Exercise B Listen to the conversations.;
Where does each person want to go? Complete the sentences below.;
Narrator:Elena is talking with her husband.;
M1:What do you want to do on our vacation,Elena?;
F1:I'd like to visit some museums,do some shopping;
-maybe see some new movies.;
M1:It sounds like you want to visit a big city.How about Chicago?;
F1:That sounds great!;
Narrator:Esteban is planning his summer vacation with a friend.;
M2:I want to spend some time outdoors this summer.;
M3:I know what you mean,Esteban.I hate being inside all the time.;
M2:Let's go to the mountains and do some camping.;
M3:Good idea.;
Narrator:Pierre and his wife are planning their vacation.;
M4:I'm tried of traveling all the time when I'm on vacation.;
F2:Me,too.Let's go someplace and just sit around.;
M4:How about going to the beach?We could just relax and swim every day.;
F2:Okay.I'll call the travel agent right away.;
Narrator:Ali is planning a trip with his sister.;
M5:You know,we've never been to Disneyland or Disney World.;
F3:You're right.I've always wanted to visit a theme park.;
M5:Me,too.Let's look up some theme parks on the Internet.;
Conversation These tours look great;
Exercise A;
Listen and answer the question.What kind of traveler is Ben?;
Ben:Hi.I'm interested in a trip to either Mexico or Brazil.;
Do you have any information I can look at?;
T.A.:(Travel agent) Yes,we have a lot of tours.;
Do you know when you want to go?;
Ben:Well,I have a fairly flexible schedule,;
but I was thinking about the summer.;
T.A.:Can you give me an idea of your budget?;
Ben:I think I can spend around $2,500 including airfares.;
T.A.:And do you see yourself as a comfort traveler;
or more of an adventurous traveler?;
Ben:Well,I think I'm somewhere in between.;
I like clean sheets but I don't want an ordinary package vacation.;
T.A.:Here are a couple of interesting options for you.;
This one is eleven days in Brazil and includes a trip to the Amazon.;
Ben:Sounds good.My grandparents were from Brazil.;
T.A.:Then there is this one to Mexico "Ancient and Colonial Mexico.";
It's ten days,;
and you can extend your stay for three more days in the city of your choice.;
Ben:These tours look great.Can I take the brochures and get back to you?;
Exercise B Listen again and practice.;
Ben:Hi.I'm interested in a trip to either Mexico or Brazil.;
Do you have any information I can look at?;
T.A.:(Travel agent) Yes,we have a lot of tours.;
Do you know when you want to go?;
Ben:Well,I have a fairly flexible schedule,;
but I was thinking about the summer.;
T.A.:Can you give me an idea of your budget?;
Ben:I think I can spend around $2,500 including airfares.;
T.A.:And do you see yourself as a comfort traveler;
or more of an adventurous traveler?;
Ben:Well,I think I'm somewhere in between.;
I like clean sheets but I don't want an ordinary package vacation.;
T.A.:Here are a couple of interesting options for you.;
This one is eleven days in Brazil and includes a trip to the Amazon.;
Ben:Sounds good.My grandparents were from Brazil.;
T.A.:Then there is this one to Mexico "Ancient and Colonial Mexico.";
It's ten days,;
and you can extend your stay for three more days in the city of your choice.;
Ben:These tours look great.Can I take the brochures and get back to you?;
Grammar in context Planning a vacation;
Exercise B Listen to the conversations.;
A:What is she going to do on Sunday morning?;
B:She's going to go to the beach.;
A:What are they going to do on Monday night?;
B:They're going to go to the movies.;
A:What is he going to do on his vacation?;
B:He's going to go camping.;
A:What are they going to do on Friday afternoon?;
B:They're going to go shopping.;
A:What is she going to do next weekend?;
B:She's going to go hiking.;
Grammar in context Talking about plans and intentions.;
Pronunciation Exercise G Either and neither:;
In American English the first vowel sound in either and neither;
is pronounced like the e/i/ in the word be.;
In British English,;
these vowel sounds are pronounced like the letter i/I/ in the word time.;
Listen and repeat.;
I don't either.;
We can't either.;
Neither do I.;
Neither can we.;
Listening in context Focus strategy: Guessing meaning;
First listening Exercise B;
Listen to the conversation,and then answer these questions.;
1.What's BJ's occupation? 2.How is he feeling now?Why?;
Karen:Hi,BJ,how're you doing?;
BJ:Hi,Karen.I'm exhausted.I just worked for six days.;
Karen:Six days!Oh, that's right...;
you work as a flight attendant for Korean Airlines.So,where did you go?;
BJ:Well,my first flight was from Los Angeles to Tokyo.;
Karen:How was it?;
BJ:The weather was great,but I had terrible jet lag,so I was really tired.;
Karen:Where did you go next?;
BJ:We flew from Tokyo to Bangkok,;
but we had stopover in Hong Kong for three hours.;
Karen:How was Bangkok?;
BJ:Wonderful.I've got a friend there who works as a teacher.;
He and I had dinner together and went sightseeing the next day.;
Karen:So,then you flew back from Bangkok to Los Angeles?;
BJ:Right,I got home last night.;
Karen:So,where are you going to go next?;
BJ:I'm going to fly to Seoul tomorrow.;
Karen:That should be interesting. Safe travels!;
Second listening Exercise C;
Listen again and on the map,trace BJ's travels.;
Then,use these unfinished sentences to describe his journey to a partner;
Karen:Hi,BJ,how're you doing?;
BJ:Hi,Karen.I'm exhausted.I just worked for six days.;
Karen:Six days!Oh, that's right...;
you work as a flight attendant for Korean Airlines.So,where did you go?;
BJ:Well,my first flight was from Los Angeles to Tokyo.;
Karen:How was it?;
BJ:The weather was great,but I had terrible jet lag,so I was really tired.;
Karen:Where did you go next?;
BJ:We flew from Tokyo to Bangkok,;
but we had stopover in Taipei for three hours.;
Karen:How was Bangkok?;
BJ:Wonderful.I've got a friend there who works as a teacher.;
He and I had dinner together and went sightseeing the next day.;
Karen:So,then you flew back from Bangkok to Los Angeles?;
BJ:Right,I got home last night.;
Karen:So,where are you going to go next?;
BJ:I'm going to fly to Seoul tomorrow.;
Karen:That should be interesting. Safe travels!;
Unit 11 Have you ever...?;
Warm up Exercise B Listen.;
What have these people done?Check the correct picture.;
F1:Wow!Suzy hit a home run.Has she played baseball before?;
M1:Yes.She was on the school team last year.;
M2:How are you doing John? M3:Great.I love this trail.;
M2:Have you hiked here before? M3:Yes.I was here a few years ago.;
F2:This looks like fun. M4:Yeah.I like being up high like this!;
F2:When are you going to jump?;
M4:Just give me a minute.I've never done this before.;
Conversation Have you ever been to Mexico or Brazil?;
Exercise A Listen and answer the question.Has Ed ever been to Brazil?;
Ben:Hi,Ed.Long time no see.;
Ed:Yes.I know.I have had a lot of work.;
Ben:Any more trips? Ed:No,mainly reports and paperwork.;
Ben:Ed,have you ever been to Mexico or Brazil?;
Ed:Mmm,Mexico,yes I have.I went to Cancun a couple of years ago.;
Ben:What's it like?;
Ed:Lots of nice beaches,very good scuba diving and water-skiing,;
and great night life.;
Ben:Mmm.How about Brazil?Have you been there?;
Ed:Well,I've never been there,but it's on my wish list--;
you know,places I want to visit one day.;
Ben:I'm thinking of taking a vacation in the summer,;
I've got all this information,and I need to decide this week.;
Ed:One thing I can tell you for sure, Ben... Ben:What's that?;
Ed:Both places have a lot of parrots!;
Exercise B Listen again and practice.;
Ben:Hi,Ed.Long time no see.;
Ed:Yes.I know.I have had a lot of work.;
Ben:Any more trips? Ed:No,mainly reports and paperwork.;
Ben:Ed,have you ever been to Mexico or Brazil?;
Ed:Mmm,Mexico,yes I have.I went to Cancun a couple of years ago.;
Ben:What's it like?;
Ed:Lots of nice beaches,very good scuba diving and water-skiing,;
and great night life.;
Ben:Mmm.How about Brazil?Have you been there?;
Ed:Well,I've never been there,but it's on my wish list--;
you know,places I want to visit one day.;
Ben:I'm thinking of taking a vacation in the summer,;
I've got all this information,and I need to decide this week.;
Ed:One thing I can tell you for sure, Ben... Ben:What's that?;
Ed:Both places have a lot of parrots!;
Listening in context Focus strategy: Noticing grammatical features.;
First listening;
Exercise C Now,listen to the interview and check your answers.;
Interviewer:We're talking today with Yoshi Tanaka;last week,;
he signed a five- year contract with the New York Yankees baseball team.;
Good evening, Yoshi...;
Yoshi:Good evening ...or good mooring. Here in Tokyo it's late morning.;
Interviewer:Oh, that's right!;
So,Yoshi,you plan to arrive in the U.S. on January 15th, don't you?;
Yoshi:Right. Interviewer:Have you ever been here before?;
Yoshi:Yes.I have. I've visited New York many times,;
and I lived in Washington for a summer in high school.;
Interviewer:You're a baseball player,;
but have you ever played any other sports?;
Yoshi:Yes,I have,but just for fun.In university,I played soccer.;
Interviewer:What do you think of your Yankee teammates?;
Yoshi:Well,I'm sure they're all great ball players.;
I haven't met all of them;I'll meet everyone on the fifteenth of January;
Interviewer:Let's take a break.;
We'll be right back with the New York Yankees' newest player,Yoshi Tanaka.;
Second Listening Exercise D;
Listen a second time don't read the tape script.Answer the true/false questions;
Interviewer:We're talking today with Yoshi Tanaka;last week,;
he signed a five- year contract with the New York Yankees baseball team.;
Good evening, Yoshi...;
Yoshi:Good evening ...or good mooring. Here in Tokyo it's late morning.;
Interviewer:Oh, that's right!;
So,Yoshi,you plan to arrive in the U.S. on January 15th, don't you?;
Yoshi:Right. Interviewer:Have you ever been here before?;
Yoshi:Yes.I have. I've visited New York many times,;
and I lived in Washington for a summer in high school.;
Interviewer:You're a baseball player,;
but have you ever played any other sports?;
Yoshi:Yes,I have,but just for fun.In university,I played soccer.;
Interviewer:What do you think of your Yankee teammates?;
Yoshi:Well,I'm sure they're all great ball players.;
I haven't met all of them;I'll meet everyone on the fifteenth of January;
Interviewer:Let's take a break.;
We'll be right back with the New York Yankees' newest player,Yoshi Tanaka.;
Unit 12 Let's have a party.;
Warm up;
Exercise B;
Listen and write the number of each conversation under the correct picture.;
1.M1:I wonder if I've forgotten anything?;
I wish I had a shopping list.;
F1:What about ice? M1:Oh,yeah!Ice!;
2.M2:Come in!Come in!Glad to see you.;
F2:Nice to see you again,too.;
3.M3:This is the only part I don't like.;
F4:I know.Cleaning up isn't much fun,is it?;
4.M4:What are you doing?;
F4:I'm writing invitations.Do you think we should invite Carlos?;
M4:Of course.;
5.F5:Could you hold the chair for me? M5:Sure.;
F5:Putting up decorations isn't as easy as I thought.;
6.F6:I hope everyone likes salsa music.;
M6:Don't you have any other CDs? F6:No.Sorry.;
Conversation Live music;
Exercise A Listen and answer the question.;
What kind of music do Nathan's friends play?;
Paul:Hello,"Live Music:--how may I help you?;
Annie:Well,I'm planning a party,;
and I was wondering how much live music costs.;
Paul:That depends.To give you an idea, a mariachi band costs $300 an hour;
a jazz singer and pianist $200,and a guitarist $150.;
Annie:I see.Umm,I'm not too sure what kind of music my guests like.;
Can I get back to you?;
Paul:Sure. Later...;
Annie:Hi,Nathan.Did you and Karen get my invitation to Phil's farewell party?;
Nathan:Yes.We'll certainly be there Can we bring something;
-maybe a salad?;
Annie:Salad sounds good.;
I was thinking of having live music, but it's so expensive...;
Nathan:You know,I have some friends who have a band.;
They're not professional,but they're good.;
They play all kinds of dance music:salsa swing,rock.Do you want me to ask them?;
Annie:That'd be fantastic.;
Exercise B Listen again and practice;
Paul:Hello,"Live Music:--how may I help you?;
Annie:Well,I'm planning a party,;
and I was wondering how much live music costs.;
Paul:That depends.To give you an idea, a mariachi band costs $300 an hour;
a jazz singer and pianist $200,and a guitarist $150.;
Annie:I see.Umm,I'm not too sure what kind of music my guests like.;
Can I get back to you?;
Paul:Sure. Later...;
Annie:Hi,Nathan.Did you and Karen get my invitation to Phil's farewell party?;
Nathan:Yes.We'll certainly be there Can we bring something;
--maybe a salad?;
Annie:Salad sounds good.;
I was thinking of having live music, but it's so expensive...;
Nathan:You know,I have some friends who have a band.;
They're not professional,but they're good.;
They play all kinds of dance music:salsa swing,rock.Do you want me to ask them?;
Annie:That'd be fantastic.;
Vocabulary in context Dancing and music;
Exercise B Listen.Write the correct name under each picture.;
Narrator:Robert loves salsa music.;
He's a singer with a band called Los Excelentes.;
Robert began to sing with the band four years ago.;
Narrator:Sally is a rock and roll band. She plays the guitar and sings.;
Narrator:Amy likes to go to karaoke clubs with her friends.;
Amy doesn't have a good voice,but she has a lot of fun.;
Narrator:Jim loves playing the saxophone.;
His jazz band plays in clubs on Saturday nights.Jim could play all night;
Listening in context Focus strategy: Listening for key information.;
First listening Exercise A;
What are the people talking about in each conversation?;
Listen,and then answer the questions.;
Compare your responses with a partner.;
1.Annie:Hi,Paul,it's Annie.Listen,I was wondering...;
are you coming to Phil's party this weekend?;
2.Stacey:Hey,Mike, are you going to Phil's party on Saturday?;
Mike:I'm not sure, Stacey.;
It sounds like a lot of fun but it's kind of far for me to go by bus.;
3.Man:Excuse me,may I help you?;
Woman:Yes,I'm having a party for about fifty people,;
and I want to rent a place that has karaoke.Do you have this?;
4.Man:Annie,what's wrong?You look worried.;
Annie:Well,Phil's party is tomorrow.;
I've got a lot to do and very little time to prepare for it.;
5.Annie:Phil,whose coat is this?;
Do you know?I think someone forgot it here last night.;
6.Man:Excuse me,miss, can I help you find something here?;
Stacey:Yes.I'm looking for a CD by Miles Davis,the jazz musician.;
Second listening;
Exercise B Listen again and answer the following questions.;
1.Annie:Hi,Paul,it's Annie.Listen,I was wondering...;
are you coming to Phil's party this weekend?;
2.Stacey:Hey,Mike, are you going to Phil's party on Saturday?;
Mike:I'm not sure, Stacey.;
It sounds like a lot of fun but it's kind of far for me to go by bus.;
3.Man:Excuse me,may I help you?;
Woman:Yes,I'm having a party for about fifty people,;
and I want to rent a place that has karaoke.Do you have this?;
4.Man:Annie,what's wrong?You look worried.;
Annie:Well,Phil's party is tomorrow.;
I've got a lot to do and very little time to prepare for it.;
5.Annie:Phil,whose coat is this?;
Do you know?I think someone forgot it here last night.;
6.Man:Excuse me,miss, can I help you find something here?;
Stacey:Yes.I'm looking for a CD by Miles Davis,the jazz musician.;
Warm up;
Exercise B Listen to the conversations.;
Where does each person want to go? Complete the sentences below.;
Narrator:Elena is talking with her husband.;
M1:What do you want to do on our vacation,Elena?;
F1:I'd like to visit some museums,do some shopping;
-maybe see some new movies.;
M1:It sounds like you want to visit a big city.How about Chicago?;
F1:That sounds great!;
Narrator:Esteban is planning his summer vacation with a friend.;
M2:I want to spend some time outdoors this summer.;
M3:I know what you mean,Esteban.I hate being inside all the time.;
M2:Let's go to the mountains and do some camping.;
M3:Good idea.;
Narrator:Pierre and his wife are planning their vacation.;
M4:I'm tried of traveling all the time when I'm on vacation.;
F2:Me,too.Let's go someplace and just sit around.;
M4:How about going to the beach?We could just relax and swim every day.;
F2:Okay.I'll call the travel agent right away.;
Narrator:Ali is planning a trip with his sister.;
M5:You know,we've never been to Disneyland or Disney World.;
F3:You're right.I've always wanted to visit a theme park.;
M5:Me,too.Let's look up some theme parks on the Internet.;
Conversation These tours look great;
Exercise A;
Listen and answer the question.What kind of traveler is Ben?;
Ben:Hi.I'm interested in a trip to either Mexico or Brazil.;
Do you have any information I can look at?;
T.A.:(Travel agent) Yes,we have a lot of tours.;
Do you know when you want to go?;
Ben:Well,I have a fairly flexible schedule,;
but I was thinking about the summer.;
T.A.:Can you give me an idea of your budget?;
Ben:I think I can spend around $2,500 including airfares.;
T.A.:And do you see yourself as a comfort traveler;
or more of an adventurous traveler?;
Ben:Well,I think I'm somewhere in between.;
I like clean sheets but I don't want an ordinary package vacation.;
T.A.:Here are a couple of interesting options for you.;
This one is eleven days in Brazil and includes a trip to the Amazon.;
Ben:Sounds good.My grandparents were from Brazil.;
T.A.:Then there is this one to Mexico "Ancient and Colonial Mexico.";
It's ten days,;
and you can extend your stay for three more days in the city of your choice.;
Ben:These tours look great.Can I take the brochures and get back to you?;
Exercise B Listen again and practice.;
Ben:Hi.I'm interested in a trip to either Mexico or Brazil.;
Do you have any information I can look at?;
T.A.:(Travel agent) Yes,we have a lot of tours.;
Do you know when you want to go?;
Ben:Well,I have a fairly flexible schedule,;
but I was thinking about the summer.;
T.A.:Can you give me an idea of your budget?;
Ben:I think I can spend around $2,500 including airfares.;
T.A.:And do you see yourself as a comfort traveler;
or more of an adventurous traveler?;
Ben:Well,I think I'm somewhere in between.;
I like clean sheets but I don't want an ordinary package vacation.;
T.A.:Here are a couple of interesting options for you.;
This one is eleven days in Brazil and includes a trip to the Amazon.;
Ben:Sounds good.My grandparents were from Brazil.;
T.A.:Then there is this one to Mexico "Ancient and Colonial Mexico.";
It's ten days,;
and you can extend your stay for three more days in the city of your choice.;
Ben:These tours look great.Can I take the brochures and get back to you?;
Grammar in context Planning a vacation;
Exercise B Listen to the conversations.;
A:What is she going to do on Sunday morning?;
B:She's going to go to the beach.;
A:What are they going to do on Monday night?;
B:They're going to go to the movies.;
A:What is he going to do on his vacation?;
B:He's going to go camping.;
A:What are they going to do on Friday afternoon?;
B:They're going to go shopping.;
A:What is she going to do next weekend?;
B:She's going to go hiking.;
Grammar in context Talking about plans and intentions.;
Pronunciation Exercise G Either and neither:;
In American English the first vowel sound in either and neither;
is pronounced like the e/i/ in the word be.;
In British English,;
these vowel sounds are pronounced like the letter i/I/ in the word time.;
Listen and repeat.;
I don't either.;
We can't either.;
Neither do I.;
Neither can we.;
Listening in context Focus strategy: Guessing meaning;
First listening Exercise B;
Listen to the conversation,and then answer these questions.;
1.What's BJ's occupation? 2.How is he feeling now?Why?;
Karen:Hi,BJ,how're you doing?;
BJ:Hi,Karen.I'm exhausted.I just worked for six days.;
Karen:Six days!Oh, that's right...;
you work as a flight attendant for Korean Airlines.So,where did you go?;
BJ:Well,my first flight was from Los Angeles to Tokyo.;
Karen:How was it?;
BJ:The weather was great,but I had terrible jet lag,so I was really tired.;
Karen:Where did you go next?;
BJ:We flew from Tokyo to Bangkok,;
but we had stopover in Hong Kong for three hours.;
Karen:How was Bangkok?;
BJ:Wonderful.I've got a friend there who works as a teacher.;
He and I had dinner together and went sightseeing the next day.;
Karen:So,then you flew back from Bangkok to Los Angeles?;
BJ:Right,I got home last night.;
Karen:So,where are you going to go next?;
BJ:I'm going to fly to Seoul tomorrow.;
Karen:That should be interesting. Safe travels!;
Second listening Exercise C;
Listen again and on the map,trace BJ's travels.;
Then,use these unfinished sentences to describe his journey to a partner;
Karen:Hi,BJ,how're you doing?;
BJ:Hi,Karen.I'm exhausted.I just worked for six days.;
Karen:Six days!Oh, that's right...;
you work as a flight attendant for Korean Airlines.So,where did you go?;
BJ:Well,my first flight was from Los Angeles to Tokyo.;
Karen:How was it?;
BJ:The weather was great,but I had terrible jet lag,so I was really tired.;
Karen:Where did you go next?;
BJ:We flew from Tokyo to Bangkok,;
but we had stopover in Taipei for three hours.;
Karen:How was Bangkok?;
BJ:Wonderful.I've got a friend there who works as a teacher.;
He and I had dinner together and went sightseeing the next day.;
Karen:So,then you flew back from Bangkok to Los Angeles?;
BJ:Right,I got home last night.;
Karen:So,where are you going to go next?;
BJ:I'm going to fly to Seoul tomorrow.;
Karen:That should be interesting. Safe travels!;
Unit 11 Have you ever...?;
Warm up Exercise B Listen.;
What have these people done?Check the correct picture.;
F1:Wow!Suzy hit a home run.Has she played baseball before?;
M1:Yes.She was on the school team last year.;
M2:How are you doing John? M3:Great.I love this trail.;
M2:Have you hiked here before? M3:Yes.I was here a few years ago.;
F2:This looks like fun. M4:Yeah.I like being up high like this!;
F2:When are you going to jump?;
M4:Just give me a minute.I've never done this before.;
Conversation Have you ever been to Mexico or Brazil?;
Exercise A Listen and answer the question.Has Ed ever been to Brazil?;
Ben:Hi,Ed.Long time no see.;
Ed:Yes.I know.I have had a lot of work.;
Ben:Any more trips? Ed:No,mainly reports and paperwork.;
Ben:Ed,have you ever been to Mexico or Brazil?;
Ed:Mmm,Mexico,yes I have.I went to Cancun a couple of years ago.;
Ben:What's it like?;
Ed:Lots of nice beaches,very good scuba diving and water-skiing,;
and great night life.;
Ben:Mmm.How about Brazil?Have you been there?;
Ed:Well,I've never been there,but it's on my wish list--;
you know,places I want to visit one day.;
Ben:I'm thinking of taking a vacation in the summer,;
I've got all this information,and I need to decide this week.;
Ed:One thing I can tell you for sure, Ben... Ben:What's that?;
Ed:Both places have a lot of parrots!;
Exercise B Listen again and practice.;
Ben:Hi,Ed.Long time no see.;
Ed:Yes.I know.I have had a lot of work.;
Ben:Any more trips? Ed:No,mainly reports and paperwork.;
Ben:Ed,have you ever been to Mexico or Brazil?;
Ed:Mmm,Mexico,yes I have.I went to Cancun a couple of years ago.;
Ben:What's it like?;
Ed:Lots of nice beaches,very good scuba diving and water-skiing,;
and great night life.;
Ben:Mmm.How about Brazil?Have you been there?;
Ed:Well,I've never been there,but it's on my wish list--;
you know,places I want to visit one day.;
Ben:I'm thinking of taking a vacation in the summer,;
I've got all this information,and I need to decide this week.;
Ed:One thing I can tell you for sure, Ben... Ben:What's that?;
Ed:Both places have a lot of parrots!;
Listening in context Focus strategy: Noticing grammatical features.;
First listening;
Exercise C Now,listen to the interview and check your answers.;
Interviewer:We're talking today with Yoshi Tanaka;last week,;
he signed a five- year contract with the New York Yankees baseball team.;
Good evening, Yoshi...;
Yoshi:Good evening ...or good mooring. Here in Tokyo it's late morning.;
Interviewer:Oh, that's right!;
So,Yoshi,you plan to arrive in the U.S. on January 15th, don't you?;
Yoshi:Right. Interviewer:Have you ever been here before?;
Yoshi:Yes.I have. I've visited New York many times,;
and I lived in Washington for a summer in high school.;
Interviewer:You're a baseball player,;
but have you ever played any other sports?;
Yoshi:Yes,I have,but just for fun.In university,I played soccer.;
Interviewer:What do you think of your Yankee teammates?;
Yoshi:Well,I'm sure they're all great ball players.;
I haven't met all of them;I'll meet everyone on the fifteenth of January;
Interviewer:Let's take a break.;
We'll be right back with the New York Yankees' newest player,Yoshi Tanaka.;
Second Listening Exercise D;
Listen a second time don't read the tape script.Answer the true/false questions;
Interviewer:We're talking today with Yoshi Tanaka;last week,;
he signed a five- year contract with the New York Yankees baseball team.;
Good evening, Yoshi...;
Yoshi:Good evening ...or good mooring. Here in Tokyo it's late morning.;
Interviewer:Oh, that's right!;
So,Yoshi,you plan to arrive in the U.S. on January 15th, don't you?;
Yoshi:Right. Interviewer:Have you ever been here before?;
Yoshi:Yes.I have. I've visited New York many times,;
and I lived in Washington for a summer in high school.;
Interviewer:You're a baseball player,;
but have you ever played any other sports?;
Yoshi:Yes,I have,but just for fun.In university,I played soccer.;
Interviewer:What do you think of your Yankee teammates?;
Yoshi:Well,I'm sure they're all great ball players.;
I haven't met all of them;I'll meet everyone on the fifteenth of January;
Interviewer:Let's take a break.;
We'll be right back with the New York Yankees' newest player,Yoshi Tanaka.;
Unit 12 Let's have a party.;
Warm up;
Exercise B;
Listen and write the number of each conversation under the correct picture.;
1.M1:I wonder if I've forgotten anything?;
I wish I had a shopping list.;
F1:What about ice? M1:Oh,yeah!Ice!;
2.M2:Come in!Come in!Glad to see you.;
F2:Nice to see you again,too.;
3.M3:This is the only part I don't like.;
F4:I know.Cleaning up isn't much fun,is it?;
4.M4:What are you doing?;
F4:I'm writing invitations.Do you think we should invite Carlos?;
M4:Of course.;
5.F5:Could you hold the chair for me? M5:Sure.;
F5:Putting up decorations isn't as easy as I thought.;
6.F6:I hope everyone likes salsa music.;
M6:Don't you have any other CDs? F6:No.Sorry.;
Conversation Live music;
Exercise A Listen and answer the question.;
What kind of music do Nathan's friends play?;
Paul:Hello,"Live Music:--how may I help you?;
Annie:Well,I'm planning a party,;
and I was wondering how much live music costs.;
Paul:That depends.To give you an idea, a mariachi band costs $300 an hour;
a jazz singer and pianist $200,and a guitarist $150.;
Annie:I see.Umm,I'm not too sure what kind of music my guests like.;
Can I get back to you?;
Paul:Sure. Later...;
Annie:Hi,Nathan.Did you and Karen get my invitation to Phil's farewell party?;
Nathan:Yes.We'll certainly be there Can we bring something;
-maybe a salad?;
Annie:Salad sounds good.;
I was thinking of having live music, but it's so expensive...;
Nathan:You know,I have some friends who have a band.;
They're not professional,but they're good.;
They play all kinds of dance music:salsa swing,rock.Do you want me to ask them?;
Annie:That'd be fantastic.;
Exercise B Listen again and practice;
Paul:Hello,"Live Music:--how may I help you?;
Annie:Well,I'm planning a party,;
and I was wondering how much live music costs.;
Paul:That depends.To give you an idea, a mariachi band costs $300 an hour;
a jazz singer and pianist $200,and a guitarist $150.;
Annie:I see.Umm,I'm not too sure what kind of music my guests like.;
Can I get back to you?;
Paul:Sure. Later...;
Annie:Hi,Nathan.Did you and Karen get my invitation to Phil's farewell party?;
Nathan:Yes.We'll certainly be there Can we bring something;
--maybe a salad?;
Annie:Salad sounds good.;
I was thinking of having live music, but it's so expensive...;
Nathan:You know,I have some friends who have a band.;
They're not professional,but they're good.;
They play all kinds of dance music:salsa swing,rock.Do you want me to ask them?;
Annie:That'd be fantastic.;
Vocabulary in context Dancing and music;
Exercise B Listen.Write the correct name under each picture.;
Narrator:Robert loves salsa music.;
He's a singer with a band called Los Excelentes.;
Robert began to sing with the band four years ago.;
Narrator:Sally is a rock and roll band. She plays the guitar and sings.;
Narrator:Amy likes to go to karaoke clubs with her friends.;
Amy doesn't have a good voice,but she has a lot of fun.;
Narrator:Jim loves playing the saxophone.;
His jazz band plays in clubs on Saturday nights.Jim could play all night;
Listening in context Focus strategy: Listening for key information.;
First listening Exercise A;
What are the people talking about in each conversation?;
Listen,and then answer the questions.;
Compare your responses with a partner.;
1.Annie:Hi,Paul,it's Annie.Listen,I was wondering...;
are you coming to Phil's party this weekend?;
2.Stacey:Hey,Mike, are you going to Phil's party on Saturday?;
Mike:I'm not sure, Stacey.;
It sounds like a lot of fun but it's kind of far for me to go by bus.;
3.Man:Excuse me,may I help you?;
Woman:Yes,I'm having a party for about fifty people,;
and I want to rent a place that has karaoke.Do you have this?;
4.Man:Annie,what's wrong?You look worried.;
Annie:Well,Phil's party is tomorrow.;
I've got a lot to do and very little time to prepare for it.;
5.Annie:Phil,whose coat is this?;
Do you know?I think someone forgot it here last night.;
6.Man:Excuse me,miss, can I help you find something here?;
Stacey:Yes.I'm looking for a CD by Miles Davis,the jazz musician.;
Second listening;
Exercise B Listen again and answer the following questions.;
1.Annie:Hi,Paul,it's Annie.Listen,I was wondering...;
are you coming to Phil's party this weekend?;
2.Stacey:Hey,Mike, are you going to Phil's party on Saturday?;
Mike:I'm not sure, Stacey.;
It sounds like a lot of fun but it's kind of far for me to go by bus.;
3.Man:Excuse me,may I help you?;
Woman:Yes,I'm having a party for about fifty people,;
and I want to rent a place that has karaoke.Do you have this?;
4.Man:Annie,what's wrong?You look worried.;
Annie:Well,Phil's party is tomorrow.;
I've got a lot to do and very little time to prepare for it.;
5.Annie:Phil,whose coat is this?;
Do you know?I think someone forgot it here last night.;
6.Man:Excuse me,miss, can I help you find something here?;
Stacey:Yes.I'm looking for a CD by Miles Davis,the jazz musician.;