Chapter 74. Purchase Conversation ;第74章 购物交谈
1.I won't sell it at any price. 2.Everything has its price. ;任谁出多少钱我都不卖。 物各有所值。
3.A:What's the damage? B:That'll be 50 bucks even. ;该破费多少? 刚好50块整。
4.A:How much does it add up to? ;加起来总共是多少钱?
B:Let me ring it up and I'll find out for you right away. ;我用收款机算一下再告诉 你一共多少。
5.A:How much do I owe you? ;我该付你多少?
B:Including parts and labor,that'll be $106 altogether ;包括人力费和零件共106 美元。
6.A:Can I charge it? B:Sure,by all means. Plastic money is money. ;我可以用信用卡付帐吗? 当然可以,塑料做的钱 也是钱。
B:Sure,use the plastic. ;好的,用你的塑料钱吧。
7.A:Do you take American Express? ;你们接受美国运通卡吗?
B:No,we only honor Visa and Master Card. ;不,我们只收签证卡和 万事达卡。
8.We welcome all major credit cards. ;我们对所有的大牌信用卡 都欢迎。
9.Put it on my tab. ;请把这个费用记在 我的帐上。
10.In God we trust. Others pay in cash. ;除了神我们可以信得过 以外,其余的人请付 现钞。
11.I'm reluctant to charge these things 12.Now,let's see the green. ;我不太愿意赊帐购物。 现在请你付钱吧!
13.Sorry,we don't accept C.O.D. 14.Sorry, cash only. No credit. ;抱歉,我们不接受“货到 付款”的订购方式。 抱歉,现金交易,赊欠免谈
15.You're short. 16.Oops! I'm one dollar shy. ;你付的钱不够。 哎呀,我少带了一块钱。
17.I can't take this. This is a large bill. ;这是一张大钞,我不能 接受。
18.You want me to take $3.50 out of $10? ;你要我从这张十元券里 扣除三块半吗?
19.That comes to $6.54 Out of ten? ;总共六块五毛四分钱。 要我从这张十元券找开吗
20.Here you go. Keep the change. 21.Hey,you forgot your change! ;哪,拿去吧。零头不用 找了。 嘿,你忘了找零钱!
22.Thank you for your patronage.Please come again. ;铭谢惠顾,请再光临。
Chapter 75. Expensive Prices ;第75章 昂贵
1.These guys are asking a fortune. I don't want to go that deep. ;这些人漫天要价, 我才不愿花那种高价。
2.This camcorder cost me an arm and a leg. ;我花了重金才买下这架 录像机。
3.That fur coat cost me a pretty penny. costs money! ;那件毛皮大衣花了 我不少钱。 你听着,这是要花钱买的
5.This is no bargain. 6.This TV is definitely overpriced ;这个买卖不划算。 这架电视的标价的确太高
7.This is highway robbery! 8.What's in a name? ;这简直是拦路抢劫! 名牌又如何?
9.This high price isn't easy on my budget. ;我的预算承担不起这种 高价。
Chapter 76. Customers' Complaints ;第76章 顾客抱怨
1.I feel like I've been gypped. 2.Hey!You overcharged me by ten dollars! ;我觉得我好像被讹诈了。 嘿!你多收了我十块钱。
3.I've been robbed. 4.You were taken. ;我被敲了竹杠。 你被骗了。
5.That pawn shop is a regular den of thieves. ;那家当铺是十足的贼窝。
6.You won't get any more of my business! 7.Don't give them your business. ;你别想再赚我的钱了。 不要让他们赚你的钱。
Chapter 77. Bargainning;Haggling ;第77章 洽谈价格
1.Can you take off the tax? ;你能不加货物税吗?
2.I'm one dollar shy. Can you cut me a break? ;我身上少带了一块钱, 算我便宜点儿好吗?
3.Are your prices firm ;你这价码都是一成不变的 吗?
4.Is that your bottom price? 5.Can you do any better on the price? ;那是你的底价吗? 你能再少算一些吗?
6.If I buy a few can you do better? 7.That's way too steep ;如果我多买你能算我便宜 点儿吗? 贵得不像话。
8.A:Is that fair enough? B:What can I say? Fair is fair. ;这样够公平了吧? 我还能说什么?你认为 公平就公平吧!
9.If you don't want it it's your loss. 10.Come now or no deal 11.That's more like it ;你不要白不要。 要的话现在来,否则拉倒 那还差不多。
12.Now you're talking. ;这才像话。
Chapter 78. Inexpensive Prices. ;第78章 廉价
1.What a deal! 2.This is such a bargain. 3.This is a real buy. ;多么好的价钱! 这太便宜了。 这买卖挺合算。
4.A:It's a pretty good buy at 50 dollars. B:Yeah,good-buy to 50 dollars. ;花50块钱买到它很划算。 是啊,50块钱泡汤了。
5.These cars are priced right. 6.That's a lot of food for the dollar. ;这些汽车定价适中。 这些钱能买那么多食物, 算是很不错了。
7.I bought this lamp for a song at a garage sale. ;我在车库拍卖中,买到 这只便宜的灯具。
8.He got that used pick-up dirt-cheap. ;他以廉价买到那部二手 小卡车。
9.You can get those a dime a dozen. ;那种东西你一毛钱可 买到一打。
10.What you save in quantity,you lose in quality. ;任何你在数量上占便宜的 品质上一定吃亏。
11.A cheap thing's cheap. 12.There's nothing fine and fair. ;廉价品都是劣等货。 哪有“美而廉”这种 东西?
Chapter 79. Philosophy Of Good Service ;第79章 好服务之理念
1.I make house calls. 2.We treat our customers like family. ;我亲自上门为顾客服务。 我们待顾客像自家人。
3.We're at your service. 4.It's been a pleasure to serve you. ;我们随时听候差遣。 能服侍您,是我们的荣幸
5.We aim to please. ;我们存心讨好你。
6.When it comes to customer service,we push all the right buttons. ;在服务顾客方面,我们 可圈可点。
7.Your emergency service is really on the ball. ;你们的急救服务真是 没话说。
8.Now this is what I call service! ;这才是我所谓的服务周到
Chapter 80. Store Policies ;第80章 店规
1.It's a hard and fast rule. 2.It's against out policy. ;这绝对无法通融。 这个违反本公司的 经营法则。
3.We're not retailers. 4.The store is closed for inventory. 5.No loitering. ;我们不是零售商。 这家商店因盘存而歇业。 不许非法逗留。
6.Barefoot customers will not be served. 7.Shoplifters will be prosecuted. ;本公司不招待赤脚的顾客 扒窃送警究办,严惩不贷
Chapter 81. Making A Guarantee ;第81章 保证
1.Satisfaction's guaranteed or your money back. ;包君满意,否则原金奉还
2.How comprehensive is your warranty? ;你们的产品包括哪些保证
Chapter 82. Asking For A Refund ;第82章 要求退款
1.I'd like a refund. 2.I'll collect my 100 bucks or else. ;我要求退货还款。 如果你不把我那一百块退 给我,咱们走着瞧。
3.You owe me a refund. 4.All items on display are sold "as is". 5.All sales are final. ;你欠我退款的钱。 所有陈列品按现状出售。 货物出门,银货两讫。
6.A:I'd like to return this item. B:Sorry,that was a final sale. ;我想退货。 抱歉,那是一件货物出门 概不退还的项目。
7.I'll picket this place. ;我要摊牌抗议这家商店。
Chapter 83. Habits ;第83章 习惯
1.I have no vices. 2.Old habits die hard. 3.Sleeping pills can be very addictive. ;我没沾染上恶习。 积习难改。 服用安眠药丸容易上瘾。
4.Habits often become second nature. ;习惯常变成第二天性。
5.You've got to help me break this bad habit. ;你非得帮我去掉这坏习惯 不可。
Chapter 84. Smoking ;第84章 抽烟
1.A:Do you mind if I smoke? B:Of course not. ;你介意我抽烟吗? 没关系。
B:Not at all. Go right ahead. B:I'd rather you didn't. ;一点儿也不,你尽管抽吧 最好不抽。
B:If you must smoke, don't exhale. ;你若真要抽烟,就不要 吐气。
B:Yes,I mind if you smoke!I hate it! ;是的,如果你抽烟我就 很介意!我讨厌人家 抽烟!
B:It makes my clothes stink. ;抽烟使我的衣服发臭。
B:It clings to my hair and it makes my eyes water. ;烟味会附在我头发上,并 呛得我掉眼泪。
2.This is a nonsmoking area. 3.Refrain from smoking please. ;这儿是禁烟区。 请勿抽烟。
4.Don't throw cigarette butts around. 5.Curb your butts. ;不要乱丢烟蒂。 不要乱丢烟屁股。
6.A:Got a match? B:Yeah,keep the pack 7.He smokes like a chimney. ;有火柴吗? 有的,你整包都拿去吧。 他是老烟枪。
Chapter 85. Drinking ;第85章 喝酒
1.Here's to you. 2.To us. 3.To our generous host ;我以这杯酒敬你。 为我们大家干一杯。 敬慷慨的东道主一杯。
4.Let's raise a glass to her. 5.Bottoms up! 6.Give me another shot ;我们来向她举杯致敬。 干杯! 再给我一小杯。
7.I'm going to drink myself into oblivion 8.I always know when I've had enough. ;我要一醉解千愁。 我喝酒总是适可而止。
9.A:Another drink? B:No,I gotta go. Thanks for the company. ;再来一杯好吗? 不,我该走了,谢谢你 陪我聊天。
Anytime. ;小意思。 (随时欢迎你再来)
10.I'm feeling a little woozy. 11.I'm getting a little buzzed. ;我已有点醉眼惺忪了。 我以有点不胜酒力了。
12.Compared with men, women tend to get tipsy faster. ;女人较男人容易醉酒。
13.How much can you hold? 14.Let's go for a nightcap. ;你的酒量如何? 我们就寝前喝杯酒吧。
15.He's a social drinker only. 16.You drink like a fish! ;他只在应酬时才喝点儿酒 你很能喝嘛!
17.Don't get loaded! 18.He's a sponge. 19.He is stoned. ;不要喝醉了! 他的酒量很好。 他已像块石头动弹不得。
20.He's pickled. 21.He had one too many 22.He's been drugged. ;他已烂醉如泥。 他的酒喝过了头。 他被下了毒。
23.He's sobered up. 24.I had one too many. Last night is a total blank. ;他酒醉已醒。 我喝过了头,昨晚的事全 忘了。
25.It's just the wine talking. 26.He's into sake. ;那只不过是酒话嘛。 他喜欢喝米酒。
27.Sam is a regular barfly. 28.Alcoholism is a disease. ;山姆是酒吧的常客。 酗酒是一种病。
29.Good wine needs no boasting. 30.This (liquor)should help warm you up. ;好酒用不着吹嘘。 这杯酒会帮助你暖活身体
31.A little whiskey is good for the system. ;稍微喝点儿烈酒有益健康
Chapter 86. Poker ;第86章 打牌
1.We can't play three-handed. 2.Can I get in? 3.Place your bets! ;三缺一牌局哪玩得成。 我可以入局吗? 下注吧!
4.Please shuffle the deck. 5.You want to cut the deck? ;请洗牌。 你要不要切牌?
6.That's a pretty good hand. 7.He's a cardsharp. 8.Winner takes all. ;那是一手好牌。 他是个老千。 赢的人把所有的钱收走。
9.It's my game! ;这下子我赢定了。
Chapter 87. Winning Or Losing ;第87章 输赢
1.A:Any luck? B:Yes and no. 2.Today is my day. ;手气如何? 时好时坏。 今天是我走运的日子。
3.Lady luck is with me today. 4.This was a gamble that simply paid off. ;今天我吉星高照。 这桩事情赌对了。
5.He got the rolling snake eyes. 6.Every time you lose, I'm the one who pays! ;他摇出一对蛇眼。 每次你赌输了,总是 我倒楣。
7.I haven't won a hand all evening. 8.Last night,I got cleaned. ;我整晚还没赢过一手牌。 昨晚我输得一干二净。
9.After the poker game I was totally washed out. 10.I lost my shirt. ;玩过那场扑克牌后, 我输的精光。 我连裤子都输掉了。
11.If I go broke,I'll be very pissed off. 12.It's high time you quit gambling. ;如果我输光了钱,心里会 很不舒服。 这是你戒赌的最好时机。
Chapter 88. Philosophy Of Gambling ;第88章 赌博理念
1.In a casino,there's no day,no night,no clock.Time is suspended. ;赌城不分昼夜,也不看 钟表;时间在那里暂时 停摆。
2.Gambling is a fever. 3.He stayed up all night playing poker. ;赌博是一种热病。 他通宵达旦地打了一整夜 的牌。
4.Gamblers are suckers 5.Nobody ever got rich by gambling. ;所有的赌徒全是笨蛋。 从来没听说过靠赌致富 的人。
6.Quickly won,quickly gone. 7.Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. ;赢的快,输的也快。 赌场得意,情场失意。
8.People try their luck by buying lottery tickets. ;许多人买奖券来做发财梦
9.After he won the lotto,he went blotto 10.Good luck on the table tonight. ;他赢得了“乐透”, 却乐得过了头! 祝你今晚的牌局顺利。
11.You're gambling with your life. ;你在拿你的命当赌注。
Chapter 89. Betting ;第89章 一般打赌
1.I enjoy playing penny ante. 2.I'll bet your bottom dollar that I'll won ;我喜欢打打小牌。 我敢以你的口袋里所有 的钱,来赌我一定赢。
3.I always bet on the sure thing. 4.I'd put my shirt on it. ;我总是赌十拿九稳的东西 我敢打这个赌。(我敢拿 出所有的钱来赌)
5.Want to have a little bet on the game? ;要不要打个小赌?
6.A:Wanna bet,Chris? B:You've got nothing to bet with. ;要不要打个赌,克丽丝? 你没什么好赌的。 你身无长物可赌。
7.A:I can drink ten quarts of beer in one sitting. ;我能一口气喝下十公升 的啤酒
B:I doubt that. A:Wanna bet? B:Fine.Ten bucks. ;我不信。 敢不敢和我打个赌? 好,赌十块钱。
8.A:How much you wanna bet? B:I bet $40 he could beat you. ;你要下多少注? 我赌四十元他会赢你。
9.Heads or tails? 10.It's a fifty-fifty bet. ;你要猜正面还是反面? 这场赌博输赢的机会是 一半一半。
11.Do you know what the odds are? 12.That's a big "if". ;你知道赢的可能性有多大 吗? 那种可能性不高。
13.Let's play the long shot. ;我们存着侥幸的心, 姑且一试吧。
Chapter 90. Drugs ;第90章 毒品
1.People smoke marijuana to get high. ;人们吸食大麻烟以获得 快感。
2.Doctor,what's needed to clean him up? ;大夫,如何才能使他完全 戒毒呢?
3.A:Will he ever give up drinking? B:Don't hold your breath. ;你想他会戒酒吗? 连想都不用想。
4.He's taking drugs. 5.If you don't quit dope,it'll get you. ;他在服用毒品. 如果你不停止吸毒,迟早 它会要了你的命。
6.If you're messing with drugs,you're asking for it. 7.He came clean. ;如果你和毒品搞在一起, 会自讨苦吃。 他已戒毒。
8.I gave it up and ever regretted it. 9.He doesn't do drugs. ;我改掉了那个习惯,从 没后悔过。 他不吸食毒品。
Chapter 91. Weirdoes ;第91章 古怪之人
1.That guy is eccentric. 2.He's a neat freak. 3.He's analy-retentive ;他是怪人。 他有洁癖。 他极力讲求干净。
4.A lot of cuckoo birds hang out at this place. 5.He's a weirdo. ;许多奇形怪状的人在 这儿游荡。 他是个怪人。
6.He's got a couple of loose screws. 7.He's unlike everyone else. ;他有点儿怪里怪气。 他有别于众。
8.He's a crackpot. 9.He's a little bit off-center. 10.He's loony. ;他的脑子坏了。 他的神经有点儿不太平衡 他每逢月圆就发疯。
11.She's a raving lunatic. 12.He's not playing with a full deck. ;她是喋喋不休的疯子。 他不按牌理出牌。
13.She's a rational person. ;她有理性。
Chapter 92. Acting Strangely ;第92章 行为怪异
1.You don't look yourself. 2.You look like you just killed somebody ;你显得失常。 你好像刚杀了人似的。
3.You look weird. 4.You look funny. 5.You look pale. ;你看起来很怪。 你显得不寻常。 你的脸色苍白。
6.You look upset. 7.Are you all right? You don't sound like yourself. ;你一脸不高兴的样子。 你还好吧?你说话的强调 和原来的不同。
8.What's with you lately? 9.I'm sorry,I'm not myself today. ;最近你怎么回事啦? 很抱歉,我今天有点儿 不自在。
Chapter 93. Acting Crazy ;第93章 失常
1.Are you out of your mind? 2.He's gone bananas. ;你失去理智了吗? 他已疯狂。
3.He lost his head. 4.I'm flipping out. 5.You're a basket case ;他神智不清了。 我快疯了。 你真是杞人忧天。
6.You've got what's called Neurosis. 7.Don't look at me like I have two heads ;你患有所谓“神经兮兮” 的毛病。 不要把我当成怪物看。
8.What's the matter, heat got you down? ;怎么搞的,你热昏了头吗
9.Does everybody think I'm lying or just cracking up? 10.He's a psycho. ;大家认为我在说谎或发疯 是吗? 他心理不正常。
11.Get away from that guy.He's a suicidal maniac. ;离那家伙远一点,他是 个自杀狂。
12.Who in his right mind gets up at 4:30 in the morning 13.She's a nut. ;精神正常的人,哪会凌晨 四点半起床呢? 她是十三点。
14.She's not sane. 15.She's insane. 16.Are you sick? ;她的神经已失常。 她疯了。 你精神有毛病吗?
17.A:You're out of your mind. B:Not yet,but I'm getting there fast ;你疯了。 还没,但也差不多快了。
Chapter 94. Psychologically ;第94章 心理有病
1.I'm afraid of heights. ;我有惧高症。
2.I must be going crazy.I thought I just saw a flying saucer. ;我一定是发疯了。我认为 刚才看到一架飞碟。
3.He's not human. 4.You need a good shrink. ;他根本不是人。 你需找位心理医师好好地 治疗一下。
5.You have to get your eyes examined. ;你需要找个眼科大夫检查 一下视力。
6.Consult with your veterinarian.Find out what seems to be the problem. ;去找你的兽医谈谈, 看你哪儿出了毛病。
7.I hope he hand his rabies shot. 8.You're delirious. ;我希望他已打了狂犬疫苗 你神智不清了。
Chapter 95. Theft ;第95章 扒窃
1.Hey,someone walked off with my pen! ;嘿,是谁把我的笔给 摸走了?
2.He brought home a baker's dozen of rolls. ;他带回来一打有十三卷 的面包。
3.They're known to be pretty sticky- fingered. ;他们是出了名手脚 不干净的人。
4.I nabbed this guy as he was making off with your purse. 5.That's hot money. ;这家伙正在偷你的钱包 时被我逮住。 那是赃款。
6.He's light-fingered. 7.Buy none,get one free sale. ;他不偷手痒难禁。 什么都不买,免费得一个 的大廉卖。
8.He likes to put his hand inside your pocket. ;他喜欢扒窃别人口袋里 的东西。
9.Someone snatched my purse at the train station. ;有人在火车站偷了我的 皮包。
10.Fred was fired because the boss cau- ght him with his hand in the cookie jar. ;福瑞德因偷窃被老板当场 逮到而丢了差事。
11.A:I'd like to report a stolen car. ;我想申报车子被偷。
B:Where did you lose it? A:By 256 Grand Central ;你在哪里丢的车子? 在中央大道二百五十六号
B:That's not under our jurisdiction. A:Then who should I report it to? ;那里不属于我们的管区。 那我该向谁报案呢?
B:Try Precinct 15. ;试试第十五分局。
12.We found the loot in the thief's car. ;我们在小偷的车子里找到 赃物。
Chapter 96. Burglary ;第96章 盗窃
1.Call the police.I think I hear prowlers outside. ;快打电话叫警察。我想我 听见外头有小偷走动的 声音。
2.I found somebody prowling about. ;我发现外面有人在鬼祟 张望。
3.A:Our store was robbed. B:How did it happen? ;我的店铺昨天被人闯入 偷了东西。 那是怎么发生的?
B:They managed to get in somehow. ;不晓得他们是怎么混 进去的。
B:They discovered a way to get in. B:They found a way in. ;他们发现了一条通道。 他们撬开了一条通路。
4.A:Officer,our home was robbed while we were out tonight! ;警官,我们今晚外出时 有人闯进我们的屋子里。
B:I'll send a man over right away. C:What's missing? ;我们马上派人去。 丢了些什么东西呢?
A:All our jewelry, silverware,the stereo and TV. ;我们所有的珠宝、银器、 立体音箱器材和电视机。
C:Anything else missing? A:I've no idea off hand. ;还丢了其它的东西吗? 我一时还不知道。
5.My house was broken into. 6.My home was ransacked last night ;我家昨天被小偷破门而入 我家昨晚被翻箱倒柜, 弄得一团糟。
7.A:I heard someone broke into your house last night. Was anything taken ;我听说昨晚有人闯进你 屋里头。 有什么东西被偷了吗?
B:Nothing.It was just vandalism. ;没有。只是被搞得 乱七八糟。
B:The burglars robbed everything they could lay their hands on. ;任何拿得走的东西,都被 夜盗弄走了。
8.Her jewels were stolen by a safecracker. ;她的珠宝被保险箱窃贼 偷了。
Chapter 97. Robbery ;第97章 抢劫
1.This is a holdup. 2.One sudden move,and I'll blow your head off. ;这是打劫。 你只要随便动一下,我就 开枪毙了你。
3.What if we get caught? ;万一我们被人逮住了 该怎么办?
Chapter 98. Reporting To The Police ;第98章 报警
1.Why didn't you notify the police? ;当时你为何不报警呢?
2.You have to go to the authorities with this. ;你必须向有关当局报告 这件事。
3.This is a matter for the police. 4.Officer,this man is harassing me. ;这应该是归警察管的事。 警官,这男人在纠缠我。
5.Would you like to make an official complaint? ;你要提出正式的控告吗?
6.I'd like to report a missing person. 7.He's holding me (as a)hostage. ;我要报告一个失踪的人口 他拿我当人质。
8.Stall him so we can trace the call. 9.Call the riot squad! ;你尽量拖延,好让我查出 他的发话地点。 快打电话叫防暴警察来。
10.He's a juvenile delinquent. 11.They're scoundrels. ;他是不良少年。 他们是恶棍。
12.He's an underworld figure. 13.He might be a hit man. ;他是个黑社会人物。 也许他是职业杀手。
14.He's the muscle of the family. 15.I'm not his bodyguard. ;他是黑手党的杀手。 我不是他的保镖。
16.This is my beat. 17.Don't fish in my pool. ;这是我的地盘。 不要在我的地盘里找生活
18.This is sheep accepting the protection of a wolf. ;这简直是请鬼抓药。
19.Who backs you up? 20.There's no divorce from this family. ;谁在替你撑腰? 一旦你加入了这个组织, 永远别想退出。
21.Once you're in the family,there's no way out. ;一旦加入了帮会,无法 再退出。
22.He has help on the inside. ;监狱里有人在接应他。
Chapter 99. Crime ;第99章 犯罪
1.I've got an eye for picking out cops. ;我对警察很眼尖。
2.Watch out for any unmarked police cars 3.Do you have a piece? ;当心没有标志的警车。 你有枪吗?
4.It's a case of child abuse,right off the blueprint. ;这是一件典型的虐待儿童 案件。
5.This crime is life- imitating art. 6.It's a vicious case. ;这是模仿假戏而真做的 犯罪案件。 这是一件恶性重大的案子
7.The crime rate is on the rise. ;犯罪率正在上升。
Chapter 100. Cops ;第100章 警察
1.Cops,they are paid to shoot,not to think. ;警察是拿薪水去开枪打人 而非用来思考的人。
2.The cops can't do anything. ;警察什么也做不来。
3.I've never had dealings with criminals. ;我从来不和歹徒打交道。
4.I never did and never will. 5.The subject is on the scene. ;我从来不曾、而且将来也 绝不会做这种事情。 我们所监视的人已出现。
6.They have you staked 7.All right!Who tipped off the police? ;他们在监视你。 好啊!是谁向警察告的密
8.Don't be alarmed; I'm not a cop. ;不用惊慌,我不是警察。
9.The Feds pulled the plug on the money laundering operation ;联邦调查局中止了这项 洗钱的勾当。
Chapter 101. Police Investigations ;第101章 警方侦查
1.This is my beat. 2.A policeman is making the rounds. ;这是我的管区。 有一个警察在巡逻。
3.Her body was mutilated. 4.It was such a hatched job. ;她被分尸了。 这是一件粗心大意的案子
5.Does he have any enemies? ;他有什么仇家吗?
6.Are you trying to get an answer from my face? ;你想从我脸上找出 答案吗?
7.You want to dig around? 8.I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. ;你想到处去盘问吗? 这件事我要打破沙锅 问到底。
9.Let's leave no stone unturned. 10.Someone searched my room. ;仔细检查,不要放过任何 蛛丝马迹。 有人搜索过我的房间。
11.Any leads yet? ;找到什么线索了吗?
12.A:He's the suspect in this case. B:Suspect!I know he's innocent ;他是这件案子的嫌疑犯。 嫌疑?我知道他是清白的
13.He stumbled upon a clue to the murder. 14.It all fits into the picture now. ;他无意间找到谋杀案的 线索。 原来是这么回事。
Chapter 102. Searching For Something ;第102章 寻物
1.I'll just leaf through this book. 2.I had it here somewhere. ;我要把这本书约略翻一下 我明明摆在这儿某个 地方(怎么会不见了)
3.That's weird. 4.You must've misplaced it somewhere. ;那真是不可思议。 你一定是胡乱摆到哪儿 去了。
5.You gotta come check it out. ;你应该自己来查看一下。
6.A:I don't think it's here. B:It's got to be here. ;我想它不在这儿。 错不了,准是在这里。
7.Take a good look. 8.I turned the house inside out looking for my car keys. ;你仔细看清楚。 为了找汽车钥匙,我翻遍 了整栋房子。
9.Let's go through his things again. 10.It's like hunting blind. ;我们从头再翻一遍他的 东西。 这简直是水中捞月。
11.This is like one wild goose chase. 12.Curiosity killed the cat. ;这活像是在追野鹅, 白费力气。 好奇多问会惹来杀身之祸
13.Seek,and you shall find. ;努力去寻觅,就会找到 你所要的。
Chapter 103. Looking For Someone ;第103章 寻人
1.Where are you at? 2.He's floating around here somewhere. ;你现在人在哪里? 他就在这一带走动。
3.Nobody knows his whereabouts. 4.There's not a soul in sight. ;没人晓得他的行踪。 连半个人影儿也不见。
5.A:Have you seen Tony B:Not in a while. ;你最近看到东尼吗? 好一阵子没看到了。
6.A:Have you seen him around? B:Not lately. ;你最近看到他吗? 最近没有。
7.He hasn't turned up for three years. 8.Where can we get hold of him? ;已有三年没见到他的人影 我们如何和他联系?
9.I wonder what became of him? 10.Is Harry there by any chance? ;不晓得他后来光景如何? 哈瑞有在你那儿吗?
11.Where can he be? 12.Where could she possibly be? ;他会上哪儿去呢? 她有可能到什么地方去呢
13.I've been searching high and low for you. ;我上天入地到处去找你。
14.I traveled halfway across the world to find him. ;我踏破了铁鞋才找到他。
1.I won't sell it at any price. 2.Everything has its price. ;任谁出多少钱我都不卖。 物各有所值。
3.A:What's the damage? B:That'll be 50 bucks even. ;该破费多少? 刚好50块整。
4.A:How much does it add up to? ;加起来总共是多少钱?
B:Let me ring it up and I'll find out for you right away. ;我用收款机算一下再告诉 你一共多少。
5.A:How much do I owe you? ;我该付你多少?
B:Including parts and labor,that'll be $106 altogether ;包括人力费和零件共106 美元。
6.A:Can I charge it? B:Sure,by all means. Plastic money is money. ;我可以用信用卡付帐吗? 当然可以,塑料做的钱 也是钱。
B:Sure,use the plastic. ;好的,用你的塑料钱吧。
7.A:Do you take American Express? ;你们接受美国运通卡吗?
B:No,we only honor Visa and Master Card. ;不,我们只收签证卡和 万事达卡。
8.We welcome all major credit cards. ;我们对所有的大牌信用卡 都欢迎。
9.Put it on my tab. ;请把这个费用记在 我的帐上。
10.In God we trust. Others pay in cash. ;除了神我们可以信得过 以外,其余的人请付 现钞。
11.I'm reluctant to charge these things 12.Now,let's see the green. ;我不太愿意赊帐购物。 现在请你付钱吧!
13.Sorry,we don't accept C.O.D. 14.Sorry, cash only. No credit. ;抱歉,我们不接受“货到 付款”的订购方式。 抱歉,现金交易,赊欠免谈
15.You're short. 16.Oops! I'm one dollar shy. ;你付的钱不够。 哎呀,我少带了一块钱。
17.I can't take this. This is a large bill. ;这是一张大钞,我不能 接受。
18.You want me to take $3.50 out of $10? ;你要我从这张十元券里 扣除三块半吗?
19.That comes to $6.54 Out of ten? ;总共六块五毛四分钱。 要我从这张十元券找开吗
20.Here you go. Keep the change. 21.Hey,you forgot your change! ;哪,拿去吧。零头不用 找了。 嘿,你忘了找零钱!
22.Thank you for your patronage.Please come again. ;铭谢惠顾,请再光临。
Chapter 75. Expensive Prices ;第75章 昂贵
1.These guys are asking a fortune. I don't want to go that deep. ;这些人漫天要价, 我才不愿花那种高价。
2.This camcorder cost me an arm and a leg. ;我花了重金才买下这架 录像机。
3.That fur coat cost me a pretty penny. costs money! ;那件毛皮大衣花了 我不少钱。 你听着,这是要花钱买的
5.This is no bargain. 6.This TV is definitely overpriced ;这个买卖不划算。 这架电视的标价的确太高
7.This is highway robbery! 8.What's in a name? ;这简直是拦路抢劫! 名牌又如何?
9.This high price isn't easy on my budget. ;我的预算承担不起这种 高价。
Chapter 76. Customers' Complaints ;第76章 顾客抱怨
1.I feel like I've been gypped. 2.Hey!You overcharged me by ten dollars! ;我觉得我好像被讹诈了。 嘿!你多收了我十块钱。
3.I've been robbed. 4.You were taken. ;我被敲了竹杠。 你被骗了。
5.That pawn shop is a regular den of thieves. ;那家当铺是十足的贼窝。
6.You won't get any more of my business! 7.Don't give them your business. ;你别想再赚我的钱了。 不要让他们赚你的钱。
Chapter 77. Bargainning;Haggling ;第77章 洽谈价格
1.Can you take off the tax? ;你能不加货物税吗?
2.I'm one dollar shy. Can you cut me a break? ;我身上少带了一块钱, 算我便宜点儿好吗?
3.Are your prices firm ;你这价码都是一成不变的 吗?
4.Is that your bottom price? 5.Can you do any better on the price? ;那是你的底价吗? 你能再少算一些吗?
6.If I buy a few can you do better? 7.That's way too steep ;如果我多买你能算我便宜 点儿吗? 贵得不像话。
8.A:Is that fair enough? B:What can I say? Fair is fair. ;这样够公平了吧? 我还能说什么?你认为 公平就公平吧!
9.If you don't want it it's your loss. 10.Come now or no deal 11.That's more like it ;你不要白不要。 要的话现在来,否则拉倒 那还差不多。
12.Now you're talking. ;这才像话。
Chapter 78. Inexpensive Prices. ;第78章 廉价
1.What a deal! 2.This is such a bargain. 3.This is a real buy. ;多么好的价钱! 这太便宜了。 这买卖挺合算。
4.A:It's a pretty good buy at 50 dollars. B:Yeah,good-buy to 50 dollars. ;花50块钱买到它很划算。 是啊,50块钱泡汤了。
5.These cars are priced right. 6.That's a lot of food for the dollar. ;这些汽车定价适中。 这些钱能买那么多食物, 算是很不错了。
7.I bought this lamp for a song at a garage sale. ;我在车库拍卖中,买到 这只便宜的灯具。
8.He got that used pick-up dirt-cheap. ;他以廉价买到那部二手 小卡车。
9.You can get those a dime a dozen. ;那种东西你一毛钱可 买到一打。
10.What you save in quantity,you lose in quality. ;任何你在数量上占便宜的 品质上一定吃亏。
11.A cheap thing's cheap. 12.There's nothing fine and fair. ;廉价品都是劣等货。 哪有“美而廉”这种 东西?
Chapter 79. Philosophy Of Good Service ;第79章 好服务之理念
1.I make house calls. 2.We treat our customers like family. ;我亲自上门为顾客服务。 我们待顾客像自家人。
3.We're at your service. 4.It's been a pleasure to serve you. ;我们随时听候差遣。 能服侍您,是我们的荣幸
5.We aim to please. ;我们存心讨好你。
6.When it comes to customer service,we push all the right buttons. ;在服务顾客方面,我们 可圈可点。
7.Your emergency service is really on the ball. ;你们的急救服务真是 没话说。
8.Now this is what I call service! ;这才是我所谓的服务周到
Chapter 80. Store Policies ;第80章 店规
1.It's a hard and fast rule. 2.It's against out policy. ;这绝对无法通融。 这个违反本公司的 经营法则。
3.We're not retailers. 4.The store is closed for inventory. 5.No loitering. ;我们不是零售商。 这家商店因盘存而歇业。 不许非法逗留。
6.Barefoot customers will not be served. 7.Shoplifters will be prosecuted. ;本公司不招待赤脚的顾客 扒窃送警究办,严惩不贷
Chapter 81. Making A Guarantee ;第81章 保证
1.Satisfaction's guaranteed or your money back. ;包君满意,否则原金奉还
2.How comprehensive is your warranty? ;你们的产品包括哪些保证
Chapter 82. Asking For A Refund ;第82章 要求退款
1.I'd like a refund. 2.I'll collect my 100 bucks or else. ;我要求退货还款。 如果你不把我那一百块退 给我,咱们走着瞧。
3.You owe me a refund. 4.All items on display are sold "as is". 5.All sales are final. ;你欠我退款的钱。 所有陈列品按现状出售。 货物出门,银货两讫。
6.A:I'd like to return this item. B:Sorry,that was a final sale. ;我想退货。 抱歉,那是一件货物出门 概不退还的项目。
7.I'll picket this place. ;我要摊牌抗议这家商店。
Chapter 83. Habits ;第83章 习惯
1.I have no vices. 2.Old habits die hard. 3.Sleeping pills can be very addictive. ;我没沾染上恶习。 积习难改。 服用安眠药丸容易上瘾。
4.Habits often become second nature. ;习惯常变成第二天性。
5.You've got to help me break this bad habit. ;你非得帮我去掉这坏习惯 不可。
Chapter 84. Smoking ;第84章 抽烟
1.A:Do you mind if I smoke? B:Of course not. ;你介意我抽烟吗? 没关系。
B:Not at all. Go right ahead. B:I'd rather you didn't. ;一点儿也不,你尽管抽吧 最好不抽。
B:If you must smoke, don't exhale. ;你若真要抽烟,就不要 吐气。
B:Yes,I mind if you smoke!I hate it! ;是的,如果你抽烟我就 很介意!我讨厌人家 抽烟!
B:It makes my clothes stink. ;抽烟使我的衣服发臭。
B:It clings to my hair and it makes my eyes water. ;烟味会附在我头发上,并 呛得我掉眼泪。
2.This is a nonsmoking area. 3.Refrain from smoking please. ;这儿是禁烟区。 请勿抽烟。
4.Don't throw cigarette butts around. 5.Curb your butts. ;不要乱丢烟蒂。 不要乱丢烟屁股。
6.A:Got a match? B:Yeah,keep the pack 7.He smokes like a chimney. ;有火柴吗? 有的,你整包都拿去吧。 他是老烟枪。
Chapter 85. Drinking ;第85章 喝酒
1.Here's to you. 2.To us. 3.To our generous host ;我以这杯酒敬你。 为我们大家干一杯。 敬慷慨的东道主一杯。
4.Let's raise a glass to her. 5.Bottoms up! 6.Give me another shot ;我们来向她举杯致敬。 干杯! 再给我一小杯。
7.I'm going to drink myself into oblivion 8.I always know when I've had enough. ;我要一醉解千愁。 我喝酒总是适可而止。
9.A:Another drink? B:No,I gotta go. Thanks for the company. ;再来一杯好吗? 不,我该走了,谢谢你 陪我聊天。
Anytime. ;小意思。 (随时欢迎你再来)
10.I'm feeling a little woozy. 11.I'm getting a little buzzed. ;我已有点醉眼惺忪了。 我以有点不胜酒力了。
12.Compared with men, women tend to get tipsy faster. ;女人较男人容易醉酒。
13.How much can you hold? 14.Let's go for a nightcap. ;你的酒量如何? 我们就寝前喝杯酒吧。
15.He's a social drinker only. 16.You drink like a fish! ;他只在应酬时才喝点儿酒 你很能喝嘛!
17.Don't get loaded! 18.He's a sponge. 19.He is stoned. ;不要喝醉了! 他的酒量很好。 他已像块石头动弹不得。
20.He's pickled. 21.He had one too many 22.He's been drugged. ;他已烂醉如泥。 他的酒喝过了头。 他被下了毒。
23.He's sobered up. 24.I had one too many. Last night is a total blank. ;他酒醉已醒。 我喝过了头,昨晚的事全 忘了。
25.It's just the wine talking. 26.He's into sake. ;那只不过是酒话嘛。 他喜欢喝米酒。
27.Sam is a regular barfly. 28.Alcoholism is a disease. ;山姆是酒吧的常客。 酗酒是一种病。
29.Good wine needs no boasting. 30.This (liquor)should help warm you up. ;好酒用不着吹嘘。 这杯酒会帮助你暖活身体
31.A little whiskey is good for the system. ;稍微喝点儿烈酒有益健康
Chapter 86. Poker ;第86章 打牌
1.We can't play three-handed. 2.Can I get in? 3.Place your bets! ;三缺一牌局哪玩得成。 我可以入局吗? 下注吧!
4.Please shuffle the deck. 5.You want to cut the deck? ;请洗牌。 你要不要切牌?
6.That's a pretty good hand. 7.He's a cardsharp. 8.Winner takes all. ;那是一手好牌。 他是个老千。 赢的人把所有的钱收走。
9.It's my game! ;这下子我赢定了。
Chapter 87. Winning Or Losing ;第87章 输赢
1.A:Any luck? B:Yes and no. 2.Today is my day. ;手气如何? 时好时坏。 今天是我走运的日子。
3.Lady luck is with me today. 4.This was a gamble that simply paid off. ;今天我吉星高照。 这桩事情赌对了。
5.He got the rolling snake eyes. 6.Every time you lose, I'm the one who pays! ;他摇出一对蛇眼。 每次你赌输了,总是 我倒楣。
7.I haven't won a hand all evening. 8.Last night,I got cleaned. ;我整晚还没赢过一手牌。 昨晚我输得一干二净。
9.After the poker game I was totally washed out. 10.I lost my shirt. ;玩过那场扑克牌后, 我输的精光。 我连裤子都输掉了。
11.If I go broke,I'll be very pissed off. 12.It's high time you quit gambling. ;如果我输光了钱,心里会 很不舒服。 这是你戒赌的最好时机。
Chapter 88. Philosophy Of Gambling ;第88章 赌博理念
1.In a casino,there's no day,no night,no clock.Time is suspended. ;赌城不分昼夜,也不看 钟表;时间在那里暂时 停摆。
2.Gambling is a fever. 3.He stayed up all night playing poker. ;赌博是一种热病。 他通宵达旦地打了一整夜 的牌。
4.Gamblers are suckers 5.Nobody ever got rich by gambling. ;所有的赌徒全是笨蛋。 从来没听说过靠赌致富 的人。
6.Quickly won,quickly gone. 7.Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. ;赢的快,输的也快。 赌场得意,情场失意。
8.People try their luck by buying lottery tickets. ;许多人买奖券来做发财梦
9.After he won the lotto,he went blotto 10.Good luck on the table tonight. ;他赢得了“乐透”, 却乐得过了头! 祝你今晚的牌局顺利。
11.You're gambling with your life. ;你在拿你的命当赌注。
Chapter 89. Betting ;第89章 一般打赌
1.I enjoy playing penny ante. 2.I'll bet your bottom dollar that I'll won ;我喜欢打打小牌。 我敢以你的口袋里所有 的钱,来赌我一定赢。
3.I always bet on the sure thing. 4.I'd put my shirt on it. ;我总是赌十拿九稳的东西 我敢打这个赌。(我敢拿 出所有的钱来赌)
5.Want to have a little bet on the game? ;要不要打个小赌?
6.A:Wanna bet,Chris? B:You've got nothing to bet with. ;要不要打个赌,克丽丝? 你没什么好赌的。 你身无长物可赌。
7.A:I can drink ten quarts of beer in one sitting. ;我能一口气喝下十公升 的啤酒
B:I doubt that. A:Wanna bet? B:Fine.Ten bucks. ;我不信。 敢不敢和我打个赌? 好,赌十块钱。
8.A:How much you wanna bet? B:I bet $40 he could beat you. ;你要下多少注? 我赌四十元他会赢你。
9.Heads or tails? 10.It's a fifty-fifty bet. ;你要猜正面还是反面? 这场赌博输赢的机会是 一半一半。
11.Do you know what the odds are? 12.That's a big "if". ;你知道赢的可能性有多大 吗? 那种可能性不高。
13.Let's play the long shot. ;我们存着侥幸的心, 姑且一试吧。
Chapter 90. Drugs ;第90章 毒品
1.People smoke marijuana to get high. ;人们吸食大麻烟以获得 快感。
2.Doctor,what's needed to clean him up? ;大夫,如何才能使他完全 戒毒呢?
3.A:Will he ever give up drinking? B:Don't hold your breath. ;你想他会戒酒吗? 连想都不用想。
4.He's taking drugs. 5.If you don't quit dope,it'll get you. ;他在服用毒品. 如果你不停止吸毒,迟早 它会要了你的命。
6.If you're messing with drugs,you're asking for it. 7.He came clean. ;如果你和毒品搞在一起, 会自讨苦吃。 他已戒毒。
8.I gave it up and ever regretted it. 9.He doesn't do drugs. ;我改掉了那个习惯,从 没后悔过。 他不吸食毒品。
Chapter 91. Weirdoes ;第91章 古怪之人
1.That guy is eccentric. 2.He's a neat freak. 3.He's analy-retentive ;他是怪人。 他有洁癖。 他极力讲求干净。
4.A lot of cuckoo birds hang out at this place. 5.He's a weirdo. ;许多奇形怪状的人在 这儿游荡。 他是个怪人。
6.He's got a couple of loose screws. 7.He's unlike everyone else. ;他有点儿怪里怪气。 他有别于众。
8.He's a crackpot. 9.He's a little bit off-center. 10.He's loony. ;他的脑子坏了。 他的神经有点儿不太平衡 他每逢月圆就发疯。
11.She's a raving lunatic. 12.He's not playing with a full deck. ;她是喋喋不休的疯子。 他不按牌理出牌。
13.She's a rational person. ;她有理性。
Chapter 92. Acting Strangely ;第92章 行为怪异
1.You don't look yourself. 2.You look like you just killed somebody ;你显得失常。 你好像刚杀了人似的。
3.You look weird. 4.You look funny. 5.You look pale. ;你看起来很怪。 你显得不寻常。 你的脸色苍白。
6.You look upset. 7.Are you all right? You don't sound like yourself. ;你一脸不高兴的样子。 你还好吧?你说话的强调 和原来的不同。
8.What's with you lately? 9.I'm sorry,I'm not myself today. ;最近你怎么回事啦? 很抱歉,我今天有点儿 不自在。
Chapter 93. Acting Crazy ;第93章 失常
1.Are you out of your mind? 2.He's gone bananas. ;你失去理智了吗? 他已疯狂。
3.He lost his head. 4.I'm flipping out. 5.You're a basket case ;他神智不清了。 我快疯了。 你真是杞人忧天。
6.You've got what's called Neurosis. 7.Don't look at me like I have two heads ;你患有所谓“神经兮兮” 的毛病。 不要把我当成怪物看。
8.What's the matter, heat got you down? ;怎么搞的,你热昏了头吗
9.Does everybody think I'm lying or just cracking up? 10.He's a psycho. ;大家认为我在说谎或发疯 是吗? 他心理不正常。
11.Get away from that guy.He's a suicidal maniac. ;离那家伙远一点,他是 个自杀狂。
12.Who in his right mind gets up at 4:30 in the morning 13.She's a nut. ;精神正常的人,哪会凌晨 四点半起床呢? 她是十三点。
14.She's not sane. 15.She's insane. 16.Are you sick? ;她的神经已失常。 她疯了。 你精神有毛病吗?
17.A:You're out of your mind. B:Not yet,but I'm getting there fast ;你疯了。 还没,但也差不多快了。
Chapter 94. Psychologically ;第94章 心理有病
1.I'm afraid of heights. ;我有惧高症。
2.I must be going crazy.I thought I just saw a flying saucer. ;我一定是发疯了。我认为 刚才看到一架飞碟。
3.He's not human. 4.You need a good shrink. ;他根本不是人。 你需找位心理医师好好地 治疗一下。
5.You have to get your eyes examined. ;你需要找个眼科大夫检查 一下视力。
6.Consult with your veterinarian.Find out what seems to be the problem. ;去找你的兽医谈谈, 看你哪儿出了毛病。
7.I hope he hand his rabies shot. 8.You're delirious. ;我希望他已打了狂犬疫苗 你神智不清了。
Chapter 95. Theft ;第95章 扒窃
1.Hey,someone walked off with my pen! ;嘿,是谁把我的笔给 摸走了?
2.He brought home a baker's dozen of rolls. ;他带回来一打有十三卷 的面包。
3.They're known to be pretty sticky- fingered. ;他们是出了名手脚 不干净的人。
4.I nabbed this guy as he was making off with your purse. 5.That's hot money. ;这家伙正在偷你的钱包 时被我逮住。 那是赃款。
6.He's light-fingered. 7.Buy none,get one free sale. ;他不偷手痒难禁。 什么都不买,免费得一个 的大廉卖。
8.He likes to put his hand inside your pocket. ;他喜欢扒窃别人口袋里 的东西。
9.Someone snatched my purse at the train station. ;有人在火车站偷了我的 皮包。
10.Fred was fired because the boss cau- ght him with his hand in the cookie jar. ;福瑞德因偷窃被老板当场 逮到而丢了差事。
11.A:I'd like to report a stolen car. ;我想申报车子被偷。
B:Where did you lose it? A:By 256 Grand Central ;你在哪里丢的车子? 在中央大道二百五十六号
B:That's not under our jurisdiction. A:Then who should I report it to? ;那里不属于我们的管区。 那我该向谁报案呢?
B:Try Precinct 15. ;试试第十五分局。
12.We found the loot in the thief's car. ;我们在小偷的车子里找到 赃物。
Chapter 96. Burglary ;第96章 盗窃
1.Call the police.I think I hear prowlers outside. ;快打电话叫警察。我想我 听见外头有小偷走动的 声音。
2.I found somebody prowling about. ;我发现外面有人在鬼祟 张望。
3.A:Our store was robbed. B:How did it happen? ;我的店铺昨天被人闯入 偷了东西。 那是怎么发生的?
B:They managed to get in somehow. ;不晓得他们是怎么混 进去的。
B:They discovered a way to get in. B:They found a way in. ;他们发现了一条通道。 他们撬开了一条通路。
4.A:Officer,our home was robbed while we were out tonight! ;警官,我们今晚外出时 有人闯进我们的屋子里。
B:I'll send a man over right away. C:What's missing? ;我们马上派人去。 丢了些什么东西呢?
A:All our jewelry, silverware,the stereo and TV. ;我们所有的珠宝、银器、 立体音箱器材和电视机。
C:Anything else missing? A:I've no idea off hand. ;还丢了其它的东西吗? 我一时还不知道。
5.My house was broken into. 6.My home was ransacked last night ;我家昨天被小偷破门而入 我家昨晚被翻箱倒柜, 弄得一团糟。
7.A:I heard someone broke into your house last night. Was anything taken ;我听说昨晚有人闯进你 屋里头。 有什么东西被偷了吗?
B:Nothing.It was just vandalism. ;没有。只是被搞得 乱七八糟。
B:The burglars robbed everything they could lay their hands on. ;任何拿得走的东西,都被 夜盗弄走了。
8.Her jewels were stolen by a safecracker. ;她的珠宝被保险箱窃贼 偷了。
Chapter 97. Robbery ;第97章 抢劫
1.This is a holdup. 2.One sudden move,and I'll blow your head off. ;这是打劫。 你只要随便动一下,我就 开枪毙了你。
3.What if we get caught? ;万一我们被人逮住了 该怎么办?
Chapter 98. Reporting To The Police ;第98章 报警
1.Why didn't you notify the police? ;当时你为何不报警呢?
2.You have to go to the authorities with this. ;你必须向有关当局报告 这件事。
3.This is a matter for the police. 4.Officer,this man is harassing me. ;这应该是归警察管的事。 警官,这男人在纠缠我。
5.Would you like to make an official complaint? ;你要提出正式的控告吗?
6.I'd like to report a missing person. 7.He's holding me (as a)hostage. ;我要报告一个失踪的人口 他拿我当人质。
8.Stall him so we can trace the call. 9.Call the riot squad! ;你尽量拖延,好让我查出 他的发话地点。 快打电话叫防暴警察来。
10.He's a juvenile delinquent. 11.They're scoundrels. ;他是不良少年。 他们是恶棍。
12.He's an underworld figure. 13.He might be a hit man. ;他是个黑社会人物。 也许他是职业杀手。
14.He's the muscle of the family. 15.I'm not his bodyguard. ;他是黑手党的杀手。 我不是他的保镖。
16.This is my beat. 17.Don't fish in my pool. ;这是我的地盘。 不要在我的地盘里找生活
18.This is sheep accepting the protection of a wolf. ;这简直是请鬼抓药。
19.Who backs you up? 20.There's no divorce from this family. ;谁在替你撑腰? 一旦你加入了这个组织, 永远别想退出。
21.Once you're in the family,there's no way out. ;一旦加入了帮会,无法 再退出。
22.He has help on the inside. ;监狱里有人在接应他。
Chapter 99. Crime ;第99章 犯罪
1.I've got an eye for picking out cops. ;我对警察很眼尖。
2.Watch out for any unmarked police cars 3.Do you have a piece? ;当心没有标志的警车。 你有枪吗?
4.It's a case of child abuse,right off the blueprint. ;这是一件典型的虐待儿童 案件。
5.This crime is life- imitating art. 6.It's a vicious case. ;这是模仿假戏而真做的 犯罪案件。 这是一件恶性重大的案子
7.The crime rate is on the rise. ;犯罪率正在上升。
Chapter 100. Cops ;第100章 警察
1.Cops,they are paid to shoot,not to think. ;警察是拿薪水去开枪打人 而非用来思考的人。
2.The cops can't do anything. ;警察什么也做不来。
3.I've never had dealings with criminals. ;我从来不和歹徒打交道。
4.I never did and never will. 5.The subject is on the scene. ;我从来不曾、而且将来也 绝不会做这种事情。 我们所监视的人已出现。
6.They have you staked 7.All right!Who tipped off the police? ;他们在监视你。 好啊!是谁向警察告的密
8.Don't be alarmed; I'm not a cop. ;不用惊慌,我不是警察。
9.The Feds pulled the plug on the money laundering operation ;联邦调查局中止了这项 洗钱的勾当。
Chapter 101. Police Investigations ;第101章 警方侦查
1.This is my beat. 2.A policeman is making the rounds. ;这是我的管区。 有一个警察在巡逻。
3.Her body was mutilated. 4.It was such a hatched job. ;她被分尸了。 这是一件粗心大意的案子
5.Does he have any enemies? ;他有什么仇家吗?
6.Are you trying to get an answer from my face? ;你想从我脸上找出 答案吗?
7.You want to dig around? 8.I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. ;你想到处去盘问吗? 这件事我要打破沙锅 问到底。
9.Let's leave no stone unturned. 10.Someone searched my room. ;仔细检查,不要放过任何 蛛丝马迹。 有人搜索过我的房间。
11.Any leads yet? ;找到什么线索了吗?
12.A:He's the suspect in this case. B:Suspect!I know he's innocent ;他是这件案子的嫌疑犯。 嫌疑?我知道他是清白的
13.He stumbled upon a clue to the murder. 14.It all fits into the picture now. ;他无意间找到谋杀案的 线索。 原来是这么回事。
Chapter 102. Searching For Something ;第102章 寻物
1.I'll just leaf through this book. 2.I had it here somewhere. ;我要把这本书约略翻一下 我明明摆在这儿某个 地方(怎么会不见了)
3.That's weird. 4.You must've misplaced it somewhere. ;那真是不可思议。 你一定是胡乱摆到哪儿 去了。
5.You gotta come check it out. ;你应该自己来查看一下。
6.A:I don't think it's here. B:It's got to be here. ;我想它不在这儿。 错不了,准是在这里。
7.Take a good look. 8.I turned the house inside out looking for my car keys. ;你仔细看清楚。 为了找汽车钥匙,我翻遍 了整栋房子。
9.Let's go through his things again. 10.It's like hunting blind. ;我们从头再翻一遍他的 东西。 这简直是水中捞月。
11.This is like one wild goose chase. 12.Curiosity killed the cat. ;这活像是在追野鹅, 白费力气。 好奇多问会惹来杀身之祸
13.Seek,and you shall find. ;努力去寻觅,就会找到 你所要的。
Chapter 103. Looking For Someone ;第103章 寻人
1.Where are you at? 2.He's floating around here somewhere. ;你现在人在哪里? 他就在这一带走动。
3.Nobody knows his whereabouts. 4.There's not a soul in sight. ;没人晓得他的行踪。 连半个人影儿也不见。
5.A:Have you seen Tony B:Not in a while. ;你最近看到东尼吗? 好一阵子没看到了。
6.A:Have you seen him around? B:Not lately. ;你最近看到他吗? 最近没有。
7.He hasn't turned up for three years. 8.Where can we get hold of him? ;已有三年没见到他的人影 我们如何和他联系?
9.I wonder what became of him? 10.Is Harry there by any chance? ;不晓得他后来光景如何? 哈瑞有在你那儿吗?
11.Where can he be? 12.Where could she possibly be? ;他会上哪儿去呢? 她有可能到什么地方去呢
13.I've been searching high and low for you. ;我上天入地到处去找你。
14.I traveled halfway across the world to find him. ;我踏破了铁鞋才找到他。