当提及六级听力时,尤其是英语六级真题听力,我们不禁会想起那些考验英语学习者听力理解能力的挑战。作为英语六级考试的重要组成部分,六级听力部分不仅要求考生能够捕捉和识别出基本的语言信息,更需要他们在有限的时间内对复杂的语境进行准确理解,并快速作出反应。小编为大家整理了2023年3月英语六级真题听力第一套Recording 2的内容,希望能对您有所帮助!
Recording 2
Today we are talking about loneliness.
Loneliness and social isolation are growing public health concerns for people of all ages in the United States, from adolescence to the elderly.
Public health experts are worried because loneliness seems to be on the rise, and studies have long found correlations between loneliness and an assortment of medical conditions that threaten health and longevity.
The problem of loneliness may be even greater than we thought. A new national poll found that about a third of older Americans are lonely, and almost as many seniors feel isolated.
This is a serious problem, as research shows that chronic loneliness is particularly harmful to senior citizens. That's because it can impair older adults' memory and damage their physical and mental health.
Chronic loneliness even impacts the life expectancy of seniors, increasing their risk of early mortality.
Let's take a closer look at that poll now. More than a third of seniors in the poll said they felt lonely at least some of the time, and 27 percent said they sometimes or often felt isolated.
This reflects how much time the seniors spent with others. Almost 30 percent said they socialized with friends, family, or neighbors once a week or less.
Women were more likely than men to report loneliness, but there is good news: it looks like loneliness can be reversed.
But researchers are still trying to determine the best way to do so. Why is that? Resolving the problem of loneliness among seniors often isn't as simple as getting them together with others or moving them in with their children.
In fact, the poll found that seniors who lived with their children were more likely to report feeling lonely than those who didn't.
This maybe because loneliness refers to the discrepancy between actual and desired relationships, so it's possible that someone who lives alone doesn't meet that definition.
while someone in a house full of busy people does, how can we solve the problem?
Well, the researchers assert that it's important to address each person's underlying cause of loneliness, whether it's the death of a spouse, medical problems, or social expectations that haven't been fulfilled.
It's noteworthy that there is one general recommendation while finding solutions for loneliness is highly personal: research suggests the best interventions are those that involve meaningful social contact at least once a week, depending on the person.
That could mean volunteering, seeing an old friend, or something else.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.
Question 19: Why does the speaker say the finding of a new national poll reveals a serious problem?
Question 20: What is the good news the speaker talks about?
Question 21: What is the key to solving the loneliness problem according to the speaker?