UNIT1International English国际英语
Unit 1At the airport在机场
1 Listen and read. James Brady is in Ireland.
1 WOMAD: Good morning.JAMES: Good morning.
WOMAD: What's your name, please?JAMES: Brady. James Brady.
WOMAND: Right. Here you are, Mr Brady.James: Thank you.
2. JAMES: Where are you from?
JERESA: I'm from Spain-from Madrid. And you?
JAMES: Ireland. I'm from Dublin.
3 TERESA: This is Marco.JEAMES: Hello, My name's James.
MARCO: Hi.TERESA: And I'm Teresa.
Unit 1At the airport 在机场
4 Listen and check your answers.
2 Rome Spain3 Cairo Britain4 Paris Poland5 Madrid Creece
6 Washington Italy7 Berlin Egypt8 Ankara Ireland9 London Brazil
10 Athens Germany11 Tokyo Turkey12 Brasilia Portugal13 Lisbon France
14 Warsaw the United States (of America)
Unit 1At the airport 在机场
5 Listen again and repeat.
Unit 1At the airport 在机场
7 Listen and read. James Brady is in Britain now.
MAN: Excuse me. What does ‘EC' mean?
JAMES: It means‘European community'. What nationality are you?
MAN: I'm Brazilian.JAMES: Ok. Desk 2.
MAN: Thank you.
Unit 1At the airport在机场
8 Pronunciations. Listen and repeat the nationalities.
COUNTRY NATIONALITY1 Britain BritishIreland Irish
Poland polishSpain SpanishTurkey Turkish
2Japan Janpanese
Portugal Portuguese
3Brazil Brazilian
Egypt Egyptian
Italy ItalianGermany German
The United States American
4France FrenchGreece Greek
Unit 1At the airport在机场
9 Strees and intonation. Listen and repeat.
What's your name?Where are you from?
What nationality are you?
Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施
1 Listen and read.
1 TERSA: Excuse me. Where the bank?
MAN: It's there.TERESA: Thank you.
2 WODNAM: Excuse me. Where's Gate 10?
MARCO: Sorry, I don't know.
Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施
3 Look at the gate numbers. Listen and repeat.
Geates 1,2, 3, 4, 5Gates 6, 7,8,9,10
Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施
5 Listen to the announcements. Complete the chart in your student's book.
1 AF 421……2 IB 386……3 Ok 292……4 BA 654……
5 KL 197……6 MX 578……7 AZ 963……
Listen again. Write the gate numbers.
Unit 1Airport Facilities机场设施
6 Listen and read.
MARCO: Er, I'd like this T-shirt, please. How much is it?
ASSISTANT: Eight pounds.
MARCO: Eight pounds. Here you are.
ASSISTATNT: Thank you.Marco: Thanks. Goodbye.
Unit 1Airport Facilitiesn机场设施
9 Pronunciation. Listen
1 bag a)please2 bar b) thank3 ten c) it
4 six d) France5 three e) French
Development 四会技能
1 Look at the pictures in your student's book and listen to
the six conversations. Complete the chart with in your student's book.
Paula da CostaKrystyna NowakWu Jiang
Pietro RossiJeff AdamsSumiko Ito
Unit 2 Information
Unit 2 Personal information个人情况
1 Listen and read. James Brady is starting a new job with MAP Advertising.
The name of his boss is Tom Hall. Tom Hall's secretary,
Rita, is checking James's details.
RITA: Now, Mr Brady. Surname ‘Brady', B-R-A-D-Y.
JAMES: Yes.RITA: Your first name is James?
JAMES: Yes.RITA: Are you married or single?
JAMES: Single.RITA: And you're from Ireland.
JAMES: The Birch Hotel, Maysoule Street, M-A-Y-S-O-U-L-E, London E1.
RITA: What's the telephone number?
JAEMS: 352 0529.
Unit 2 Personal information个人情况
2 Listen and read again, and complete the from.
Unit 2 Personal information个人情况
4 Listen and repeat the alphabet.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk
Li Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Unit 2 Personal information个人情况
7 Listen and read. James is talking about his new job.
Write the names and nationalities of three people who work at MAP Advertising.
ROSIE: Hello, 32294.JAMES: Hello, Rosie. This is James.
ROSIE: Hi, James. Where are you?
JEAMS: I'm in London.
ROSIE: Oh, good! How's your new job?
JAMES: Oh, it's Ok. Everyone's very friendly.
Tom Hall-my boss- is the managing direcotor. He's American.
And Rita's very nice. She's Tom's secretary.
ROSIE: Is Rita American too?
JAMES: No, she isn't. She' from London.
Unit 2 Jobs职业
3 Pronunciation. Listen and read. Notice the sound for er/or the end of a word.
actor builder driver teacher doctor painter
Listen again and repeat.actor builder driver teacher doctor painter
Unit 2 Jobs职业
4 Stress and intonation. Listen and repeat.
What's your job? I'm an actor.
What's her job? She's a doctor.
What's his job?He's a teacher.
Unit 2 Jobs职业
8 Listen to two people talking about jobs. Write the jobs you hear.
Unit 2 Development四会技能
2 Amanda is the manager of a job centre. Listen
to her interview with Susan and complete the form your student's book.