Lesson29 Popcorn
All corn does not pop. A seed of corn must have 14% water in it to pop. Other kinds of corn have less water and do not pop. When you heat a seed of corn, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That is why we call it popcorn.
The American Indians popped corn a long time ago. The Indians knew there were three kinds of corn. There was sweet corn for eating, corn for animals, and corn for popping. The Indians introduced corn to the first settlers, or Pilgrims, when they came to America in 1620. One year after they came, the Pilgrims had a Thanksgiving dinner. They invited the Indians. The Indians brought food with them. One Indian brought popcorn!
Since that time Americans continued to pop corn at home. In 1945 there was a new machine that changed the history of popcorn. This electric machine popped corn outside the home. Soon movie theatres started to sell popcorn to make more money. Popcorn at the movies became more and more popular.Today,Americans still continue the custom of eating popcorn at the movies.
popcorn 爆米花
explode 爆裂,爆炸
settler 定居者
Pilgrim 清教徒
All corn does not pop. A seed of corn must have 14% water in it to pop. Other kinds of corn have less water and do not pop. When you heat a seed of corn, the water inside makes the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That is why we call it popcorn.
The American Indians popped corn a long time ago. The Indians knew there were three kinds of corn. There was sweet corn for eating, corn for animals, and corn for popping. The Indians introduced corn to the first settlers, or Pilgrims, when they came to America in 1620. One year after they came, the Pilgrims had a Thanksgiving dinner. They invited the Indians. The Indians brought food with them. One Indian brought popcorn!
Since that time Americans continued to pop corn at home. In 1945 there was a new machine that changed the history of popcorn. This electric machine popped corn outside the home. Soon movie theatres started to sell popcorn to make more money. Popcorn at the movies became more and more popular.Today,Americans still continue the custom of eating popcorn at the movies.
popcorn 爆米花
explode 爆裂,爆炸
settler 定居者
Pilgrim 清教徒