Lesson57 A Little Kite
“I never can do it,” the little kite said,
As he looked at the others high over his head;
“I know I should fall if I tried to fly.”
“Try,” said the big kite, “Only try!
Or I fear you never will learn at all. ”
But the little kite said, “I'm afraid I'll fall.”
The big kite nodded:“Ah, well, good-bye;
I'm off.” And he rose toward the cloudless sky.
Then the little kite's paper stirred at the sight,
And trembling, he shook himself free for flight.
First whirling and frightened, then braver grown,
Up, up he rose through the air alone,
Till the big kite, looking down, could see
The little one rising steadily.
Then how the little kite thrilled with pride,
As he sailed with the big kite side by side!
While far below he could see the ground,
And the boys, like small spots moving round.
They rested high in the quiet air,
And only the joyful birds were there.
“Oh, how happy I am!” the little kite cried,
“And all because I was brave, and tried.”
stir /st:/ vi 移动
whirl /w:l/ vi 旋转
thrill /PrIl/ vi 发抖,抖动
“I never can do it,” the little kite said,
As he looked at the others high over his head;
“I know I should fall if I tried to fly.”
“Try,” said the big kite, “Only try!
Or I fear you never will learn at all. ”
But the little kite said, “I'm afraid I'll fall.”
The big kite nodded:“Ah, well, good-bye;
I'm off.” And he rose toward the cloudless sky.
Then the little kite's paper stirred at the sight,
And trembling, he shook himself free for flight.
First whirling and frightened, then braver grown,
Up, up he rose through the air alone,
Till the big kite, looking down, could see
The little one rising steadily.
Then how the little kite thrilled with pride,
As he sailed with the big kite side by side!
While far below he could see the ground,
And the boys, like small spots moving round.
They rested high in the quiet air,
And only the joyful birds were there.
“Oh, how happy I am!” the little kite cried,
“And all because I was brave, and tried.”
stir /st:/ vi 移动
whirl /w:l/ vi 旋转
thrill /PrIl/ vi 发抖,抖动