教程:背诵为王第二册  浏览:1352  
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    海梅埃斯卡兰特 海梅埃斯卡兰特是一位来自玻利维亚的教师。他于1963年来到洛杉矶。那时,他33岁,几乎一点英语都不会讲。 对埃斯卡兰特来说,在美国的生活是艰苦的。在加利福尼亚他不能做老师,他不得不再次去读大学。这花了他许多年,但他坚持下来了。为了在学习的同时养家糊口,他在餐厅打工。最终,在43岁时,他开始在洛杉矶的加菲尔德高中工作。这所学校名声很坏,有很多小流氓,学生学习也不好。很快,埃斯卡兰特改变了这一切。 埃斯卡兰特与他的学生们一起努力。他教他们数学,他用他自己的方法,这些方法很灵。学生们很喜欢学习数学。1982年,他学生中的十四位通过了高等数学的考试。没有人相信这一切。人们说这些学生一定作弊了。学生们要证明自己没有作弊,他们又重新参加了考试,他们又通过了。这样的事在像加菲尔德这样的学校简直是奇迹!这些都是海梅埃斯卡兰特的功劳。 每年埃斯卡兰特都培养出顶尖的学生。人们把他当作美国最好的老师之一,甚至有一部电影和一本书讲述了埃斯卡兰特的故事。


    Lesson47 Jaime Escalante
    Jaime Escalante was a teacher from Bolivia. He arrived in Los Angeles in 1963. He was thirty-three years old and spoke almost no English.
    Life was difficult for Escalante in the United States. He could not be a teacher in California. He had to go to college again. It took him many years, but he did it. He worked at a restaurant to support his family at the same time. Finally, when he was forty-three he started to work at Garfield High School in Los Angeles. This school had a bad name. There were many gangs and the students were not doing well. Soon Escalante changed things.
    Escalante worked with his students. He taught them math. He used his own methods, and they worked. The students learned and enjoyed their math. In 1982, fourteen of his students passed an advanced math examination. Nobody believed this.
    People said the students were cheating. The students wanted to show they were not cheating. They took the exam again. And they passed again. This was a miracle in a place like Garfield! This was the work of Jaime Escalante.
    Every year Escalante produced top class students. People know him as one of the best teachers in America. There is even a movie and a book about him.
    Bolivia 玻利维亚
    gang  流氓
    cheat  欺骗,作弊
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