Come to A Party
Most parties are quite relaxed these days, especially young people's parties. You donot have to wear a long dress or black tie when you want to have a good time. In fact, you can usually wear what you like amything from jeans to suits and dresses.
British and American people are often quite in formal. People will expect an answer even to a formal invitation. Just call to say if you can or cannot come. Some people of course especially older ones still enjoy formal parties. An invitation to a smart party often has RSVP written at the bottom. These in short for the French phrase "répondez, s'il vous plaît". It means that you must write a letter or telephone to say if you can or cannot come. People often send out invitations weeks before a party. It's polite to answer as soon as possible.
What do you do if someone asks you to tea? For some British people, tea means a cup of tea and a biscuit at 4:30 or 5:00 p.m.. For others, tea means a meal at 6:30 or 7:00 p.m.. Formal dress usually means a suit and tie for man and a smart dress for woman. Black tie means that the man wear dinner jackets and the woman wear evening dresses. Black tie is only for very special occasions.
Most parties are quite relaxed these days, especially young people's parties. You donot have to wear a long dress or black tie when you want to have a good time. In fact, you can usually wear what you like amything from jeans to suits and dresses.
British and American people are often quite in formal. People will expect an answer even to a formal invitation. Just call to say if you can or cannot come. Some people of course especially older ones still enjoy formal parties. An invitation to a smart party often has RSVP written at the bottom. These in short for the French phrase "répondez, s'il vous plaît". It means that you must write a letter or telephone to say if you can or cannot come. People often send out invitations weeks before a party. It's polite to answer as soon as possible.
What do you do if someone asks you to tea? For some British people, tea means a cup of tea and a biscuit at 4:30 or 5:00 p.m.. For others, tea means a meal at 6:30 or 7:00 p.m.. Formal dress usually means a suit and tie for man and a smart dress for woman. Black tie means that the man wear dinner jackets and the woman wear evening dresses. Black tie is only for very special occasions.