Pare one:Questions 1-8
For Questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings.For each question,mark A B
or C for the most suitable picture or phrase.You will hear each conversation twice.
1.What is Maria's job title?
A. So,you work in sales,don't you Maria?
B. Sort of,I'm actually in the Marketing Department.
A. Oh I see.And what do you do there?
B. I'm the manager.
2.Where are they taking the visitors?
A. Where shoud we take the visitors this evening?
B. Good qustion .What kind of food will they like?
A. I Know a place that serves great Asian food.
B. Not everyone likes spicy food,thoug. I know a place that does great pasta.
Why don't we go there?
A. Ok
For Questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings.For each question,mark A B
or C for the most suitable picture or phrase.You will hear each conversation twice.
1.What is Maria's job title?
A. So,you work in sales,don't you Maria?
B. Sort of,I'm actually in the Marketing Department.
A. Oh I see.And what do you do there?
B. I'm the manager.
2.Where are they taking the visitors?
A. Where shoud we take the visitors this evening?
B. Good qustion .What kind of food will they like?
A. I Know a place that serves great Asian food.
B. Not everyone likes spicy food,thoug. I know a place that does great pasta.
Why don't we go there?
A. Ok