教程:2009国际热点  浏览:1223  
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    日本新政府的公众支持率跌破了50%,这主要是因为预算限制以及执政联盟内部的关系紧张,使得新任首相鸠山由纪夫(Yukio Hatoyama)难以兑现其主要施政承诺。

    Public support for Japan's new government fell below 50% as budget constraints and internal tensions within the ruling coalition threaten Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's major policy pledges.


    In its latest retreat, the Hatoyama administration relented on a campaign pledge to drop surcharges on gasoline amid tight budget constraints, saying it would replace the tax with a new one. The pledge was part of an effort to end unpopular taxes and government fees, and to spur consumer spending.


    'I must apologize candidly for breaking our campaign promise' to drop the gasoline surcharge, Mr. Hatoyama said Monday.

    日本《朝日新闻》(Asahi Shimbun)报导,过去这个周末鸠山由纪夫政府的支持率跌到了48%,而一个月前则是62%,9月份鸠山由纪夫就职时为71%。报纸调查了2,115名受访者,询问他们是否支持鸠山由纪夫内阁。

    His government's approval rating fell to 48% over the weekend, from 62% a month ago and from 71% when he took office in September, according to the Japanese daily Asahi Shimbun. The newspaper surveyed 2,115 respondents, asking if they supported the Hatoyama cabinet.

    《朝日新闻》的调查结果与日本时事通讯社(Jiji Press)上周五公布的调查情况类似。时事通讯社上周对约2,000名成年受访者进行了民意调查,调查结果显示,日本新政府的支持率已经跌至46.8%。

    Asahi's poll followed similar results in a survey released Friday by Jiji Press, showing that support for the cabinet had dropped to 46.8%. That survey, conducted last week, included about 2,000 adults.


    The results represent a sharp turnaround from August, when Mr. Hatoyama's Democratic Party of Japan trounced the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party in national elections amid widespread voter concerns over the nation's soft economy and long-term growth prospects.


    Public fears are growing over deflation, which some economists believe could send Japan into a double-dip recession. Deflation eats into corporate profits, leading to cutbacks, and keeps consumers from making big purchases as they wait for prices to fall further.


    Still, the Asahi poll suggests Mr. Hatoyama has room to maneuver. While overall support for his DPJ was 42%, support for the LDP was far lower at 18%.

      上一篇:日本第一夫人鸠山幸 下一篇:《福布斯》:伍兹将成为首位亿万富翁运动员


