如果美国白宫认为总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的个人魅力可以成为一项外交政策资产,那么这种理论将要在中国面对最严峻的考验了。奥巴马昨晚抵达中国——他首次亚太之旅的最近一站。
If the White House believes President Barack Obama's charisma can be a foreign policy asset, that theory is about to face its toughest test in China, where he arrived last night, the latest stop in his inaugural Asia tour.
Perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, China has been immune to the popular love-in that surrounded the Obama election. For sure, young Chinese like the president – they think he is cool and they understand the symbolism of an African-American in the White House. But they have not been caught up in the hero-worship seen in, say, parts of Europe.
After their own experience with Mao's cult of personality, they are pretty suspicious of politicians with a saintly air. Indeed, around Beijing, there have been T-shirts for sale with an image of Obama wearing a Mao suit.
中国还是少数对小布什(George W. Bush)相当满意的地方之一。当奥巴马的欧洲支持者掰着手指计算布什离职的日子时,中国人却丝毫没有这种如释重负的感觉。
China was also one of the few places that was quite happy with George W. Bush. Obama's fans in Europe were counting the days until Bush left office, but in China there was none of that sense of relief.
And maybe it is just because Obama simply does not have the same profile that he enjoys elsewhere. Obama made his major Asia speech on Saturday where he pledged that the US would not try to contain China, yet on the main CCTV news programme that night he did not get a mention until a full 27 minutes into the broadcast.