Japanese sports
The major spectator sports in Japan that draw large crowds are professional baseball and soccer. Rugby and volleyball are also popular sports.
The national sport of Japan is sumo, mainly a spectator sport watched on television. In the spring and summer, the widely popular national high school baseball tournament takes place at the Koshien stadium. Japan is perhaps the only country where high school baseball creates so much attention. Players that do well at the Koshien are often scouted out for professional and non-professional baseball teams to become future stars lf the sport.
The major spectator sports in Japan that draw large crowds are professional baseball and soccer. Rugby and volleyball are also popular sports.
The national sport of Japan is sumo, mainly a spectator sport watched on television. In the spring and summer, the widely popular national high school baseball tournament takes place at the Koshien stadium. Japan is perhaps the only country where high school baseball creates so much attention. Players that do well at the Koshien are often scouted out for professional and non-professional baseball teams to become future stars lf the sport.