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    1. Only buy watches you want to wear. That way you'll never feel like you're stuck with an 'investment piece.'
    1. 只买你愿意戴的手表,这样你永远也不会觉得好像被一件投资品困住了手脚。

    2. Buy from a reputable retailer. This will ensure you'll enjoy decent after-service care. Also, it's the only guarantee that you're not buying a fake. Some rip-offs are so convincing that only a watchmaker can spot the difference.
    2. 在声誉好的零售商处购买。这将确保你能够享受到充分的售后服务。而且这是确保不会买到假货的唯一保证。一些假冒商品简直能以假乱真,只有钟表制造商才能甄别。

    3. Be nice. If you form a rapport with a retailer, the store will look after you over the years, even helping you to upgrade or trade-in watches while reducing the sting of depreciation.
    3. 要友善。如果你与零售商保持良好的关系,商店将会经年累月地关照你,甚至会帮你升级或折价更换手表,减轻手表折旧给你带来的痛苦。

    4. If you're relatively unadventurous, look to the established brands. Patek Philippe, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Audemars Piguet and Vacheron Constantin among others. They haven't survived for one or more centuries through luck. They also enjoy better resale value if you need to part with them.
    4. 如果你相对而言不爱冒险,应关注知名品牌,例如百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)、积家(Jaeger-LeCoultre)、爱彼(Audemars Piguet)和江诗丹顿(Vacheron Constantin)等等。它们能流芳百年以上并非只凭运气。如果要将它们出手,它们转售时的价值也更高。

    5. Be conservative. Nothing dates more quickly than a radically styled watch.
    5. 要保守。没有什么会比一块风格激进的手表过时得更快。

    6. Don't buy quartz watches except for knock-around purposes. Regardless of the price -- from GBP 2 to GBP 2 million -- the movements are disposable and, after a while, irreparable.
    6. 不要购买石英表,除非是为了随便戴着玩玩。无论价格高低──从2英镑到200万英镑──石英表的发展方向就是可丢弃的,过一段时间就不可修复了。

    7. If funds are limited, choose a watch with a strap over one with a bracelet. Bracelets add considerably to the cost. A good watch on a strap is better than a so-so watch on a bracelet at the same price.
    7. 如果资金有限,优先选择配有真皮表带而不是金属表带的手表。金属表带会增加相当大的成本。同等价位的情况下,一块配有真皮表带的好手表胜过一块配有金属表带的质量一般的手表。

    8. When buying new, keep all the paperwork and boxes.
    8. 购买新表时,保留所有的说明书和包装盒。

    9. When buying a vintage watch, ensure that there is a guarantee of at least six months if the watch is being sold as serviced. The phrase 'as seen' should act as a red flag warning not to buy unless you have a watchmaker at your elbow to advise you.
    9. 购买传统机械表时,若手表有售后服务,应确定质保期不少于六个月。除非身边有钟表匠做参谋,否则“如你所见”一词应当作为警告你不要购买的危险信号。

    10. When buying at auction, attend the viewing beforehand to see and handle the target of your bidding. Some auction houses will provide a condition report a few weeks ahead of the auction
    10. 在拍卖会竞购手表时,应预先参加展示会以察看和触摸你的竞拍目标。一些拍卖行会在拍卖的几周前提供一份拍品状况报告。

      上一篇:节省空间的“胶囊旅馆” 下一篇:美国人最易拼错的十个单词


