attorney 代理律师
appeal 上诉
death sentence/capital punishment 死刑
affirm the original judgment 维持原判
deprive sb. of political right for life/a lifelong revocation of political rights 剥夺政治权利终身
stabbed sb. to death 捅死某人
hit and run 肇事逃逸
intentional killing 故意杀人
The Supreme People's Court (SPC) 最高人民法院
Intermediate People's Court 中级人民法院
surrender to police 向警方自首
second trial 二审
adjournment 休庭
statutory appeal period 法定上诉期
criminal record 犯罪记录
leniency 宽大处理
killing in the heat of passion 激情杀人
a letter of remorse 忏悔书
law-abiding citizen 守法公民
privileged classes 特权阶级
flee the scene 逃离现场
stand trial 受审