casting / flinging all caution to the winds
regardless of the situation / consequences
regardless of right or wrong or how and why
acting indiscriminately / recklessly
in spite of anything
no matter what may happen
come what may
whatever may happen
to chance the ducks
let the world wag as it will
以上有单词,有短语,也有俚语;有的强调不管会造成什么结果、有的强调做事者本身卤莽,具体翻译时到底选用哪个,要看上下文的意思和文体而定。其实,任何词典都不可能把所有可能的译法都列出来,比如,我认为与原文最近似的应该是leave out of one's calculation,而在一定的上下文中下面这些说法也是可以的:dash off;thoughtless;devil-may-care;nonchalantly;impetuously;hot-headedly。换句话说,“译无定译”,翻译的唯一标准是上下文。
再举一个例子:“三下五除二,他只用了半个小时就全处理完了。” 这里的“三下五除二”本来是依据珠算口诀,现在指做事麻利,不拖泥带水,可译为He neatly finished the whole thing in half an hour. 而“三下五除二”也可译成下列说法:quickly, nimbly, dexterously, deftly, crisply, spryly, quick and neat.