1. 吃早餐 At Breakfast
Coffee shops are popular, reasonably priced restaurants for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a snack.
1) A: You're having coffee, aren't you?
B: Yes. I could use a cup of coffee.
A: Are you going to have anything to eat?
B: I'm going to order some bread and milk. What about you?
A: Sounds great! I’ll have the same.
2) A: What do you usually have for breakfast?
B: I always have scrambled eggs and toast. What about you?
A: I usually have a cup of coffee in morning.
B: Do you feel like having anything to eat?
A: Well, I think I'll try the pancakes.
2. 吃午餐 At Lunch
Lunch is usually served between noon and 2:00. Sandwiches are a very popular quick lunch in both the United States and Canada.
午餐通常从中午供应到下午两点。 在美国和加拿大, 三明治是极大众化的午间快餐食品。
1) A: Would you like some more soup?
B: No, thank you. It's delicious, but I'm supposed to be on a diet.
A: Would you like some dessert?
B: Well, maybe I'll have just a small piece of pie.
2) A: Please have another sandwich.
B: Thank you, but I've had enough.
A: Aren't you going to have dessert?
B: Well, I'll join you if you're having something.
3. 吃晚餐At Dinner
Dinner time is different in the United States. In small towns it may be as early as 5:00, while in large cities it may be as late as 9:00. It's best to call for a reservation in expensive or well-known restaurants.
1) A: Would you like to order now?
B: Yes. I'd like a cup of onion soup.
A: What would you like for your main course?
B: I'd like the roast chicken, please.
2) A: Are you ready to order?
B: Yes. First I'll have tomato juice.
A: And for your entree?
B: I'll have the lamb chops, well-done, please.