1. epic 非常好
The last Harry Potter movie was epic. OMG! It was amazing!
2. cool beans 好吧
- I invited you to my friend's party. It's gunna be really fun.
- Cool beans!
- 跟我一起去我朋友的派对,会很好玩的。
- 好吧!
3. I'm down. 我可以做
I'm down with going shopping if you are.
4. It's a toss up! 不能比!
- Both soccer players are really good!
- Yep, who is better?
- It's a toss up!
- 两个球员都非常棒!
- 谁更出色?
- 不能比啊!
5. facebook you 找你,联系你
It was so nice to meet you! I'll facebook you!
6. My bad! 对不起
Are these your bananas? My bad! I thought they were mine.
7. break the ice 打破僵局
Say something about the weather is the most typical way to break the ice.
8. Let's bounce. 走吧!
This party's boring. Let's bounce!
9. hit me up 跟我联系
Hit me up if you wanna go shopping.