首先,“有洁癖的人”口语叫neat freak(可数名词)。其中,neat和中文的“整洁”比较对应,意思是“整齐又清洁”,而freak指“举止或行为不正常的人”。neat freak完全可以用来指代中文的“有洁癖的人”,但它除了表示一个人爱干净,还表示这个人爱整齐,比如过度喜欢把书跟衣服都摆放得整整齐齐的。请看以下例句,讲的就是一个不修边幅的人和一个有洁癖的人的故事:
【例】Neil Simon's classic comedy about a slob and a neat freak sharing the same apartment.
其次,书面语把“洁癖”叫mysophobia。如果说一个人患有洁癖,就是suffer from mysophobia。请看以下例句,讲的就是一头猪患上了洁癖:
【例】Six-week-old Cinders appears to suffer from mysophobia, a fear of dirt, after refusing to join her siblings as they splashed around in the mud.
说到洁癖,大家可能会想到强迫症,它的英语说法是obsessive-compulsive disorder(连字符也可以去掉),简称OCD。患有强迫症,和患有洁癖类似,也用suffer from,是suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder,请看以下例句:
【例】And when Leport and her colleagues put 11 of their subjects into a magnetic brain imaging scanner, they found that two areas of their brains -- the middle temporal gyrus and the basal ganglia -- were larger than those of people who showed no sign of superior autobiographical memory. Those same areas, it turns out, also are enlarged in people who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder.
总结一下,患有什么病,用suffer from + (病的名称),用一般现在时和现在进行时都可以,如:
【例】More than three million people suffer from severe mental illness.
(来源:MacMillan English Dictionary – American)
【例】I'm suffering from a bad back.
(来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)